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Well-known member
Oct 11, 2011
Nampa, ID
The season is just about over for me. When I need gloves to keep my hands warm it is time to start making lures for next year. I am going to add to my stock of home made tube flies so I don't have to make one in a hurry next summer. I also want to add to my dodger/sling blade collection. I guess I will be visiting kokanee tackle a few times.

What are you doing to prepare for next year? Christmas lists? Birthday lists? New Year's lists? Other hopeful wish lists?

It was kind of late in the season when I decided to fully commit to all #2 hooks so I ordered a bunch in different colors. No matter how many I pre tie, I seem to go through them. The boat needs some TLC during the off season.
Kokanee fishing season is over for me. Yesterday I took the boat to Lucky Peak and ran from the dam up to Spring Shore and back. I ran the kicker motor as well. Drained the water in engine block & exhaust manifold at the slope of the Turner Gulch parking lot and refilled with RV antifreeze, spray forging oil in the engine chambers. Boat trailer had new bearings and seal so it will be ready in early Spring. Time for re-organize tackle box and tie more hooks.

The season is just about over for me. When I need gloves to keep my hands warm it is time to start making lures for next year. I am going to add to my stock of home made tube flies so I don't have to make one in a hurry next summer. I also want to add to my dodger/sling blade collection. I guess I will be visiting kokanee tackle a few times.

What are you doing to prepare for next year? Christmas lists? Birthday lists? New Year's lists? Other hopeful wish lists?

/ if you can show us some of your tube flys
I am starting on some new tube downrigger weights hope they turn out ok. I like the ones that Dave made going to try to make some stainless this time
I am starting on some new tube downrigger weights hope they turn out ok. I like the ones that Dave made going to try to make some stainless this time

I made these for glow application.


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tube flies and hoochie spacer


These are my tube flies. The tubes are made from coffee stirrers. I use a candle to flare one end of the tube as shown in the YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OADEG4ZzZDw. Then, the tube is cut to the needed size. The bottom end is not flared because the eye of the hook just fits up into the tube as shown in the last part of the video.

The left side has flies made of yarn and flashabou. The right side has flies made of yarn and monoflash from Sportsman's Warehouse.

The long tube on the left is a hoochie spacer. The flare seems to protect the upper end of the hoochie.

I use the ones on the left by themselves and with a double or single hook. The ones on the right are used with beads and a #2 Indiana blade with a reflector from Hagens.

I hope this gives you and idea or two. The color choices can vary widely. Pink has been my most productive color.

Keep creating!!!
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Some of my tube flies. Some I made and some are just tinsel inserts.


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Spent the day internet searching for lure parts and pieces. The search started well but stalled when I went looking for some specific tape, namely a black tiger stripe pattern. I’m currently chasing a promising lead with Mad River.

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These are my tube flies. The tubes are made from coffee stirrers. I use a candle to flare one end of the tube as shown in the YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OADEG4ZzZDw. Then, the tube is cut to the needed size. The bottom end is not flared because the eye of the hook just fits up into the tube as shown in the last part of the video.

The left side has flies made of yarn and flashabou. The right side has flies made of yarn and monoflash from Sportsman's Warehouse.

The long tube on the left is a hoochie spacer. The flare seems to protect the upper end of the hoochie.

I use the ones on the left by themselves and with a double or single hook. The ones on the right are used with beads and a #2 Indiana blade with a reflector from Hagens.

I hope this gives you and idea or two. The color choices can vary widely. Pink has been my most productive color.

Keep creating!!!
looks like your on your way, Just a suggestion find your local fly tying shop they have the tubes different colors along with heads. These guys (fly tyers)are so much advance great place to learn. They even have glow in the dark threads for tying. Give it a try you won't be sorry.
Have you tried Barlow's Catalog they have a great assortment of products. I just had an order from them found different colors of bucktail I use alot for flys. Been tying up flys for bottom fishing and pouring some lead molds hope this might help they carry a lot of tapes.
Putting some of the latest order to use.


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Ordering has begun and reorganizing the Kokanee tackle bag to make room for new additions. Tying more leaders as I never seem to have enough. It feels like it is going to be a long Winter till next Koke season.
I've worked my way through all the tackle and after a couple of years off, I'm ready to hit the water again!
Anderson Ranch Dam Res, here I come!
I've worked my way through all the tackle and after a couple of years off, I'm ready to hit the water again!
Anderson Ranch Dam Res, here I come!

Glad to hear that you are getting back in the game Don. Look forward to hearing about how all your new toys work for you.
Anderson ranch fisherman

Don, glad to see back at Anderson. I hope this year is better fishing than last! Don't know how high the water is now. Hope to go see soon tho.
We sure haven't had much precipitation. That doesn't bode well for water levels this coming year.

I think I need some on water time before building any more tackle!
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