Downrigger Ball Rigging Question

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Well-known member
Jun 11, 2008
Murray, U-tah
After letting out my offering I usually just attach my line to the downrigger release attached to the downrigger ball and send it down to a depth where I'm seeing fish at on the depthfinder or just above a couple feet.

After looking at several sites they have diagrams of a dodger or flasher attached to the ball and run the lure above and back of the dodger/flasher.

How many of you run this set-up? or just the standard release?

Does the lure running above the ball work better?

I know your just are fighting the fish with this setup but what other advantages are there - more fish?
I have a friend who never uses ball trolls so he attaches his clip to the back eye on the downrigger ball. I like to have the option of using ball trolls so I attached my release clip to the eye of the swivel on the clip that attaches the downrigger cable to the downrigger ball. I think they both work it just depends on how you want to fish.
I prefer the cable attached releases. Not only does it allow you to use ball trolls if you wish but it also allows you to see the ball bounce bottom and potentially save your lure set up before you get hung up.
I normally clip the release a few feet above the ball on the wire. When I use ball-trolls, a few feet separation is required. Also, when I am not useing the trolls, I still clip above the ball in case I go through a shallow area and drag the ball a bit on the bottom. Having my presentation a few feet above pretty much guarantees I won't lose my set-up. I just raise the ball a bit, and I'm back in business. There are times running my setup above a set of trolls is deadly, just depends on what they want on any given day. What we do is let them the ball-trolls on one side of the boat and see what they prefer.
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I like attaching ball trolls to the weight and my release to the cable. But this doesn't work as well when the kokes are shallow. More long lining with a dodger is what I'll go to on the downrigger. I'm not a big fan of ball trolls but they do work and I have them as a backup. Like Super D says, bouncing the bottom can save a lure setup if your attached to the cable. Also, when bouncing the bottom, it tends to attrack big lakers( the Gorge). But now you go into a different lure setup.
I 'll go along w/Bullets & Bduck. Another thing is the type of ball trolls you are using. Bullets said that he has used them up to 6 or 8 feet long. So with that in mind Ive made up some using Spin & Glows and some others with Bass Buzz bait wings. Take a look at them on my albums. But you have to promise not to ...laugh hyst

thumbsup Kokonuts
I clip to the cable as well not often do I use trolls, but I don't like to raise the Pancakes out of the water, and watch them swing and ding when the going gets rough.
One thing I've found useing ball trolls is that they seem to be more effective early in the day. By the time the sun is high, they might be a bit too much flash. I've also found that after a hot bite in the morning while useing ball trolls and a short set-back, when the bite shuts down, by shedding the trolls and going back farther away from the ball the bite will pick up again...sometimes. The disadvantage of this though is you can't do sharp turns (like you can useing a short set-back to go back through schools) and your more prone to losing fish with more line out (in my experience). When I use the ball trolls, I still run a dodger ahead of my lure. The dodger is running around 4' above the ball where I clip, and about 2-4' in back of the trolls.
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I bought two Scotty manual downriggers this past fall but have not had a chance to use them yet. Also, I've never firshed with downriggers before so very soon I'm going to be treading new water so to speak. One question I have is how do you keep the release clip on the cable without it moving up and down the cable? Are there other special clips for this? Right now the only releases I own are the smaller Scotty ones.


This is my release of choice and the spring loaded clip does a reasonable job of keeping the release where it belongs.

No such thing as a stupid question.
You squeeze the wire with the single hook to the double wire and keep tension on it.
The single hook will move far enough to allow the cable to go past the double hook and into the "u".
Then, when you relax the tension on the single hook wire, it will "trap" the cable between the "u" of the double hook and the "u" of the single hook.
Hope that helps.
Wow, just like a freak'in light bulb coming on. Now I see it. Thanks Wahoohunter and SuperD for your help. Looks like I need to get me some of those type clips.


Now, if somebody would be so kind as to explain just exactly what ‘ball trolling’ is, I’d be happy. I’ve always attached my tackle (dodger/flasher and lure attached to the rod and reel line) to the clip at the rear of the fin. I also understand and use stackers. But I don’t understand what you mean by ball trolling. :confused:
dubob, ball trolls are a set of blades that can be 3' long and up. In an effort to fish with the lightest possible tackle, they are simply clipped to the ball instead of put inline with your terminal tackle. Koke set backs are typically short enough to just run your gear 3 or 4' above and 5 or 6' beyond the ball trolls.

Good information. Makes me feel a little bit better about the way I am doing things. I esp. liked the information about dropping the trolls later in the day. I will have to remember that. Thanks all.

Good information. Makes me feel a little bit better about the way I am doing things. I esp. liked the information about dropping the trolls later in the day. I will have to remember that. Thanks all.


Don't figure on any absolutes when it comes to kokes or fishing in general. I've had about the opposite experience as Silver Bullets. The morning bite was off the hook and then went dead mid morning. I put one ball troll out of the 4 downriggers and that rod started to catch fire again. I liked the advice of putting one out on one side of the boat and letting the fish decide what they want.
dubob, ball trolls are a set of blades that can be 3' long and up. In an effort to fish with the lightest possible tackle, they are simply clipped to the ball instead of put inline with your terminal tackle. Koke set backs are typically short enough to just run your gear 3 or 4' above and 5 or 6' beyond the ball trolls.

Aw, you had to spoil it....when I read that question, I thought we were going to have some fun explaining how to "ball troll". laugh hyst

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