Lake Berryessa 5-24-09 - Family Fishing Fun

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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2008
San Mateo, Ca.
Hit Berryessa on Sunday to brave the holiday weekend crowds as there is no way for me to go three days without fishing one of them on a weekend! The day started of overcast and cool but the sun broke out mid morning and so did the bite for us. We ended up keeping 12 Kokes to 17 inches and farmed about that many as well as part of family experience. There did seem to be a lot of short strikers as well that my better half dubbed "Grand Theft Corn"

We stopped mid afternoon and had a mini BBQ on shore with the FishinTrippz and KokeMachine which worked out great as the kids got some swimming and found a mud hole to enjoy some kid time.

Depths were 40 to 60 with 55 being the best. Fished skiers cove to Goat island. Lures that were productive were:

RMT Pink / White Assassin Spinner
Pink Spinners
RMT Cotton Candy Hoochie
RGT Red Hoochie Mama
Purple Hoochie

all of this teamed with various custom slingblades from the kids collection and some Sep's 3/0 dodgers and the Pink mid-thing Scents were all mixed up from Garlic to Kokanee Special to Carp spit.

On with the pictures and a video I compiled of the trip that has some of the underwater shots as well of the fish action.

My big Koke of the day...


Jenna's big Koke for the day...


The representative fish of the trip:


and here's a link to the Youtube video I compiled of the trip using some new editing tools that I combined above and below water action.. Click on the HQ button in the lower right of the video Window for a higher quality video overall although the second underwater sequence looks better in non HQ mode.

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You get the prize for the best all-inclusive fishing video. Great job! You have an amazing talent to organize and record all those family adventures. Your kids will never forget it.

Thank you so much for taking the time to post your video & pictures from your trip. Your willingness to share is a huge bonus to those of us learning the trade.


Really cool video, and great pics. Berry fun to be on that lake right now! I was there yesterday and finished with 5 kokes, and numerous trout to the boat in the BI/RH area. Two big kokes were 16.5 and 16.75". Early action was hot, then died, then sporatic. Finished at 1. Pink and watermellon dodgers with pink RGTs were out best, with garlic/anise/koke sp. corn. 50-60ft.

Unfortuneately life will keep me off the water for a few weeks, I'll be back for my 18+ incher after that.

See ya out there one of these days.

Old School

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