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Jan 22, 2009
Lots and Lots of water last year, so what do you all suppose is in store for us this year? Does the increased water translate to more fish or bigger fish?
For some reservoirs it might make a difference if they can keep them full. But the Gorge, you can drain 10ft and its still large and deep. All that water last year made times a little difficult to catch anything. But keep in mind that the record Koke came from the Wyoming side. There were also alot of nice Kokes being caught last summer. Its going to be interesting of whats in store this next fishing season.
I certainly hope I'm wrong in my exceptions of the gorge,next year. But I think we are going to see a crash of the kokeanee population in the gorge. The burbot have made a huge dent in,spawning populations. We will see fewer 1st yr fish,as well as fewer 2nd yr fish. I feel that there was a very significant decrease in spawning fish going up the river this fall. As well as a decrease with the in "lake spawn."

Just didn't see as many moving up the river to spawn as in past years. I didn't see as many "spawned out fish" in the gorge this year,compared to years past. The burbot haven't just impacted the kokeanee populations either,it has impacted the small mouth bass. The crawdad populations are way down, as well as the rainbows,and browns population.

The rise of popularity of the gorge in just the last five years will play a part also. More fisherman competing for fewer fish will have a negative effect also. I hate to be Mr Negativity,but I'm being realistic as to what I think we will see from the gorge next year.
That's a real stomach punch outlook. Most good things do come to an end, and that is very sad. For the last several years the Gorge has had me addicted. While I've wanted to try several other out of state fisheries, I just couldn't pass on FG. Maybe the next year or two will provide me with the incentive to try some of my other wish list spots.
Count me among the people that see a crash on the horizon due to the Burbot. Very sad. crymeariver

I sure hope the mid-June season this year is still good. That's cuz this will be our 1st trip to the Gorge.worthy12

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