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New member
Feb 1, 2010
I fish Merwin resivoir in Washington State in the spring and early summer. Would appreciate any info on the start of the kok season on Merwin and what works for others as far as bait, scent, flashers and lures.
Thanks for any info

Welcome to the KFF. I use to live in Western Washington North of Longview. I never fished Merwin, but drove by it many many times headed up into the hills Are the kokes getting any size on them. Seems like enough water to support bigger fish.
Lake Merwin fishing

Glad to have you on the Forum!

I'll be fishing there starting next month mostly cause I cant stand waiting any longer! Its still a little early but........laugh hyst

If you launch at Spelayi Bay go across the lake & head west on the South side. Fish near the shore in about 100 feet of water, look for points where the bottom comes up fast to about 40-50ft. go in & out along these points & then if you dont hook up go south again & watch for more points.

Sometimes the fish are on the north side so make a hard right as you come out of the Sp. Bay, watch for fish and go around the big point until you see another big bay on your right. Fllow the north side going west. You will see some houses that come right down to the shore. Stop before you get there and turn around going east .You could spend a few hours on the north side but the South side is usually the best. When all else fails sometimes I find them all the way down to the dam. There is a BIG bay on the south side about 1/2 mile before the dam.

I use all the regular stuff, Dodgers with Wedding Rings, Hoochies, Apex are the best at different times. Green/red, Pinks, Orange, Brass & Chrome are all good colors.

If you see an 18ft. Hewes, white sides & named "SHES SO FINE" stop by & say hello!..........thumbsup.....Kokonuts

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