Great fishing at Lucky Peak

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Jul 3, 2009
My wife and I started fishing at 7 this morning, and limited by 9:30. Lost at least as many, but that's kokanee fishing! Neither depth nor rig seemed to matter. Downriggers were at 20 and 25, and a lead core at three colors (15), and they produced equally. Two had Jack Lloyds with a w.r., and the third had a Shasta Sling Blade with a Shasta micro hoochie, all with shoepeg soaked in Pautske's Nectar. After noticing that as soon as we hooked a fish and slowed the outboard down all the way, we would get another hit on one of the poles. I took this to mean that they wanted a slow troll, and yes, they seemed to like a 1.0 much better than the 1.5 we started out with. Never had to wait more than 5 minutes for action. Now, why can't they always be this cooperative!! P.S.: As previous posts mention, they are beginning to show a bit of color. Don't wait too long!! Mike
Kodiak 1,
Were you running into a lot of smaller fish or were most over 15"? I fished this morning at the big bend on the downstream side of the narrows and couldn't seem to get into very many big fish. I must have released six to eight 12" fish before I finally caught a 16" keeper. That ratio continued throughout the morning regardless of the depth I was fishing. I ended up having to keep three smaller fish because they were hooked in the eye or gills. You are right about the action. It was fast and furious.tooexcited
Never so much as saw a little one in the early AM. Later, it was mainly smaller ones. Measured them after my original post; had one 18, lots of 15-16's , and about 5 smaller. I don't toss the small ones back. I like to smoke them whole. I filleted the larger ones--I will see how they come out. Might like them better! Heading up Monday, hoping they will still be in a cooperative mood. Mike
We boated a couple dozen, let all the small ones that weren't wounded too bad go. Brought home 10 big ones (2 were right at 19") and 2 little ones. Only 1 was showing any color, and it was only a hint of a tannish blush on the back.
We went up last night and had a good time. We fished up by the big bend and about nine my main outboard quit on us so I used the electric motor from the big bend to the boat dock, it was almost 11:00 pm when we got the boat on the trailer. I was glad that it was a calm night and we wasn't bucking a wind going up the canyon towards arrowrock. Oh and by the way, we had grilled koks for dinner tonight. It helped my son's wife and kids from North Carolina forget about the late night. I still had a great time.
The reason my motor quit was my kill switch got bumped and I didn't notice until this morning in the light.

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