My wife and I started fishing at 7 this morning, and limited by 9:30. Lost at least as many, but that's kokanee fishing! Neither depth nor rig seemed to matter. Downriggers were at 20 and 25, and a lead core at three colors (15), and they produced equally. Two had Jack Lloyds with a w.r., and the third had a Shasta Sling Blade with a Shasta micro hoochie, all with shoepeg soaked in Pautske's Nectar. After noticing that as soon as we hooked a fish and slowed the outboard down all the way, we would get another hit on one of the poles. I took this to mean that they wanted a slow troll, and yes, they seemed to like a 1.0 much better than the 1.5 we started out with. Never had to wait more than 5 minutes for action. Now, why can't they always be this cooperative!! P.S.: As previous posts mention, they are beginning to show a bit of color. Don't wait too long!! Mike