Help! Fish taking out my fix?

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Aug 10, 2015
Hey guys.....I had a great run this weekend at Lake Roosevelt pulling in a pile of 3-5 pound koks. I was using a couple specific lures I purchased that are tied with 12lb leaders.
The problem was that out of 4 lures, one broke completely, and the other three suffered the loss of the bottom hook only.
My reels still have the 30 pound test on them from fishing Hanford Reach last fall. I have considered just retrying these leaders with some 25lb flouro that I have. Does this seem reasonable, or would it hamper the lures too much?
Also curious, when I retie them, would egg loop knots be just as effective as snells?
And lastly, what sized hooks would you recommended for these larger kokannee? I think 4's sound good?
What do you guys think?
this is what I have been doing, and it seems to work but you still lose the bottom hook but not as often.

I use (15 lb) P-Line Fluorocarbon,
use a Palomar Knot on the bottom hook and a Snell knot on the top hook
use Gamakasu #2 hooks also Gamakasu "Drop Shot" hook, are VMC wide gap hooks all size #2
I used to have alot of hooks breaking off but it mainly due to the fish thrashing in the net. Once i went to a rubber net i haven't had the problem since. Kinda hard to give advice on leader change without knowing what lure your talking about. From what you mention sounds like a Apex. If that's the case going to 25lb test will kill the action. I change out the 12 leaders to 8lb to give the lurebetter action at 1.2-1.4 mph instead of the recommended 1.5-2.0 mph with the heavier factory leader. If the lure is a spinner or hoochie a heavier leader wouldn't be as much of an issue. The egg loop knot works great. Good luck and welcome aboard! signfishin
Hey guys.....I had a great run this weekend at Lake Roosevelt pulling in a pile of 3-5 pound koks. I was using a couple specific lures I purchased that are tied with 12lb leaders.
The problem was that out of 4 lures, one broke completely, and the other three suffered the loss of the bottom hook only.
My reels still have the 30 pound test on them from fishing Hanford Reach last fall. I have considered just retrying these leaders with some 25lb flouro that I have. Does this seem reasonable, or would it hamper the lures too much?
Also curious, when I retie them, would egg loop knots be just as effective as snells?
And lastly, what sized hooks would you recommended for these larger kokannee? I think 4's sound good?
What do you guys think?

a hook free net helps a ton with this problem , i alway have a good supply of pre tied rigs to replace broken hooks . when i retie tie i just use a snell snell set up. it's very easy knot to learn and is very strong .good luck .
Hey guys.....I had a great run this weekend at Lake Roosevelt pulling in a pile of 3-5 pound koks. I was using a couple specific lures I purchased that are tied with 12lb leaders.

Sounds like a great day on the water and well worth retying some leaders. I use 10# p-line, a #2 drop shot on top with a #4 octopus swinging below. I've lost fewer bottom hooks since shortening the gap from the eye of the bottom hook to the bend of the top hook down to 1/4" or so. The frequency with which both hooks end up in the fish seems like it has gone up as well.
Hi surfj - I too have had problems in the past. I like to re tie everything with P-Line CFX 12#. Don't seem to have the issues I used to have. Also use it for leader. I like to snell both hooks and have gone to Gamagatsu #2 drop shot down shot hooks. The fine wire really penetrates. I also have a friend (Fish Dawg) who has gone to tying the back hook in 40# Power Pro braid. There are only a few kokanee tackle manufactures who use good line and hooks in their products. Hope that helps - Alan
Big kokes are going to break off hooks and mess up leaders, its just what they do. As others have mentioned have a supply of pretied leaders ready to go. I use a #8 treble followed by #2 dropshot. If there is a problem with the leader after I catch a fish I switch out leaders. When the big kokes spin they can really thrash the gear. Especially once in the net and they spin. I probably went through 20 leaders for four rods in about 8 hours of fishing last weekend. Like you I was catching 3-4# fish, no 5's though101thumbsdown101
Look at these

Take a look at these. 15 lb P-Line & # 4 Hooks. They come in UV and glow colors. I catch 3-10 lb fish on them regularly. The Little Rebels are tougher than all get out and they work on trout and kokanee. They are not plastic and are long lasting. I have not had any issues with mine at all. You can use them with any attractors, willow leafs , blades etc. Just make sure you use all the leader supplied so the action works properly behind your blades or what ever. Also, consider a softer rod and smaller reel for kokanee.

BTW, you can see these lures at They are one of the KFF sponsors, so they are worth supporting.

Lures Picts Final 005.JPGLures Picts Final 003.JPG

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