2010 kokanee season

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Jun 4, 2008
So what new toy or toys are you getting for the 2010 kokanee season?

Me ill be dawning a new tackle box full of new tackle, R&Rthumbsup
for my boat its set up perfect for the way i fish but i will be putting some 1million candle power spots on the front to light up the lake as i head out earlylaugh hyst
Upgraded the trailer with new axle and bearing system, picked up a spare trolling motor, have 40 newly made jigs ready for action, new paint job and rigging on the wee-tads, tied up a bunch of new hoochies, and new color metered braid on the jigging reels! tooexcited
Going Broke doing this

2 new electric down Riggers
New large tackle Box / finally getting organized
New cb radio and antenna
2 new rods
2 new reels
lots of new , wedding rings, spoons, hoochies, baits and scents
more dodgers and 2 dodger cases

Still to go before season starts: gotta find a light like Petty's

Hope I have gas money and can buy my license for the year. tongue2
A new kicker is all I need. It will be delivered here in about a week. Then get it mounted with the remote troll. will also look into getting some kind of mounted stereo system with speakers,

But the most important part, more time on the water.worthy12tooexcited
I have been investing heavily in building my spinner parts boxes.


well......... seeing i poked a hole in my boat on the salmon river i am currently tearing it apart to get it welded, and i also ran my bow mount into shore and bent it so i am saving for a new bow mount, o and a new tranducer for the fish finder because it doesn't like rocks either.
It will be nice to just have a functioning boat.
I'm going to be doing some work on my boat trailer, electric brakes , new bearings , tires , and checking the lights. Also reflooring the boat and new carpeting for the floor, installing new seats.
New Cannon electric downrigger with Bert's Tackle Swivel Base. Building a new spiral wrapped downrigger rod on a Batson 3 wt blank and graphite handle. Soon to get a Vhf radio and I should be good to go.
well......... seeing i poked a hole in my boat on the salmon river i am currently tearing it apart to get it welded, and i also ran my bow mount into shore and bent it so i am saving for a new bow mount, o and a new tranducer for the fish finder because it doesn't like rocks either.
It will be nice to just have a functioning boat.

TB That's got to have a good story behind it.

I'm crossing my fingers that my 30 year old motor lasts another season as my wife insisted on buying bedroom furniture yesterday. At the very least I may finally break down and get a portable downrigger. After all the years going old school that will be fun.

I bought an orbital buffer last weekend and plan on step 2 of refurbishing the '61 Sea Nymph. Bring on the aluminum polish!thumbsup
Getting Ready

I've been working on more "STUFF", the DR weights are ready, a few NEW SUPER SECRET lures,& the boat out of mothballs on the water next month!
See you out on the lake!!

New Lures

Super D....

When can we see what your doing with all those good looking beads & spinner blades ?

If you show me yours...I'll show you mine!!..............laugh hyst....

.......laugh hyst........Yes it does help to be .....KOKONUTS.........laugh hyst
I have put new lights on my trailer, a new complete enclosure on the boat, some new tackle and parts. Going after a travel cover soon for the boat and maybe install a big mother !@#$%^& lite on the front of my boat. There is always money to spend.
well, there are multiple stories.........
The hole in the boat was my dum bass fault for going a little too fast in a pool up steelhead fishing on the north fork of the salmon river and hit a rock
NOTE TO SELF: ripples in the water means there is something making the ripples, Lesson 1 learned.
the transducer was up at Ririe resorvoir when the dog wouldn;t jump in the boat off the shore and drifted into a rock while yelling at her.
Lesson 2 learned.
The bow mount was at newton trying to catch a musky and i failed to pull it out while going in shallow, Jet drives don't do you no good in shallow water when your bowmount is still a foot into the water off the front of the boat.
Lesson 3 learned.

Good stories, sorry for the bad luck. Like my father used to tell me. The definition of a boat is: A hole in the water that you pour money into. And the bigger the boat, the bigger the hole to fill. I have proven this proverb true much more than I would care to admit, especially to my wife. :)
There must be something wrong with me. I just realized that I have nothing new for this upcoming Kokanee season. :confused:

I do have a couple more months to make up for my "lack of spending." :rolleyes:
There must be something wrong with me. I just realized that I have nothing new for this upcoming Kokanee season. :confused:

I do have a couple more months to make up for my "lack of spending." :rolleyes:

Well you can do the smart thing and just wait for our reports to find out what's hot this season and then buy. You'll spend less money that way... of course I did not follow that principle and caved in at the sports shows. laugh hyst
