What lures do you use at what depth?

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Mar 30, 2015
So I am looking to buy a ton of new lures this month, I want some suggestions, I have pink hoochies, wedding rings, a lot of pink. Sadly they're not working that great, I end up catching more on chartreuse or orange. However I may be fishing it wrong.

What are some lure / dodger combinations that you use?

What time of the year do you use it?

What time of day & depth do you use it?

Do you prefer UV or Glow?

I am looking for any and all feedback, everyone has their 'go to lure' or their 'secrets' I'm not asking you to divulge them I just want to increase my hook ups a bit.

I have been using these 2 dodgers primarily


I have been using this lure in orange and chart. I haven't had any luck just on a regular hoochie.

Would love to hear your suggestions on what works, what speeds, etc.

Going on a camping trip in the middle of nowhere, just need to secure some more tackle that you guys recommend :) or maybe some tips on how I am currently fishing it.

My current setup
15' - 25' going 1.5-2.0 depending on wind conditions, 'trolling motor gets installed next week :)'
Have my line hooked up to my dodger, behind my dodger is 12" of leader then my super hoochie, not sure why i catch them on super hoochie, and cha cha's, but have not been able to get any on kokabows, or regular hoochies 'glow or uv'
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Late in the season, think Apex. They are worth adding to your arsenal. Also, some days might be a hoochie bite and the next day be a spinner bite. As for colors, I like combinations. Purple, chartreuse, blue, white and orange along with your pink should be in the box. Some guys love green but it has not been a producer for me but I still have a 1/2 dozen lures in the bag just in case. I don't know your local waters but I've never heard of any Koke waters that have fish that shallow at this time of year. If I knew nothing about a lake and was fishing it for the first time, I'd drop to 50' to start and go up or down 10' increments from there.
Late in the season, think Apex. They are worth adding to your arsenal. Also, some days might be a hoochie bite and the next day be a spinner bite. As for colors, I like combinations. Purple, chartreuse, blue, white and orange along with your pink should be in the box. Some guys love green but it has not been a producer for me but I still have a 1/2 dozen lures in the bag just in case. I don't know your local waters but I've never heard of any Koke waters that have fish that shallow at this time of year. If I knew nothing about a lake and was fishing it for the first time, I'd drop to 50' to start and go up or down 10' increments from there.

Everyone I see on the reservoir is saying 15'-25' sometimes 30, but yeah it does seem kind of high up there. - I fish Lucky Peak Reservoir early in the morning, as the day goes on I lower the depth.

Do you tip your apex lures with anything? Do you recommend any specific version? Do you run a dodger in front of it? E-Chip, or no e-chip? How well do apex lures do on a downrigger?
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Apex with a dodger and about 20" - 24" leader, tipped with corn. Most of my Apexes are true Apexes and not the ProTroll E-Chip. I like the UV version in the variety of colors. Silver, Gold or 50/50 if you can them are also excellent producers.
Do you tip your apex lures with anything? Do you recommend any specific version? Do you run a dodger in front of it? E-Chip, or no e-chip? How well do apex lures do on a downrigger?

I've been mainly trolling these lures for around 13 years now and where i fish there's no difference in catch rate between the hot spot and pro troll versions. If the water is clear you might try a long leader to the dodger (the dodger is more for attraction since these lures have plenty of action of their own.) Re-rig with lighter line like mentioned and use a bobber stop so you can adjust the hook set-back... some days they like the corn swinging a few inches in back of the lure.

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tip with one piece of corn per hook and smear some gel scent on the lure. I only use the 1.5 versions that are sold as trout lures (they measure 2" from tip to tip) and change out the 12lb line to 8lb. There are days when the hot spot out produces the pro troll but there are just as many days when it's the other way around. Most of the time i run each version on both sides of the boat and there's no difference. Troll these lures at 1.4 to 1.6 mph, vary your speed and do plenty of s turns. I only run them on the downriggers... never tried them without.
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I've got to tell you, sadly, I'm just not the sharpest knife in the drawer and I often read stuff and think "HUH?" I had no clue what SB meant until I saw his pic - THANK YOU!!!
Switched to hoochies last year - primarily in pink - and slayed them. Key is to fish a short leader with heavier line. I tie my own: double hooks on 12 lb test. Key is to keep the leader about 2 1/2 times the length of the dodger. Personally I do mine outstretched hand width - pinky to thumb, and troll at 1.2 mph. Sling blades you have work great at between 1.2 - 1.4 mph from my experience.
Tazmanian Devil ?

Did you ever try a Tazmanian Devil tied on 6# flurocarbon line about 2' above the marks on your finder ?
I would agree with Kokanee5. I like to use pink or Orange hoochies. The dodgers I use are either all silver, gold. The sling blade that you show, I would get one in pink or Orange.
Use short leader behind the dodgers. My go to speed at AR or LP is 1.9 mph. lots of S turns.
As well as the "go to" lures, I also have the "go to " spots. Probably not any better than any other spot in the lake, but confidence is hard to beat.
One tip that may help is to put a slight bend in the sling blade about a third to half way up and put it in the water to see the difference. The manufacturer actually softened the metal to make it easier to do this. I rig with P-Line CFX 12# it gives more action to the lure while being small enough to snell the hooks easier. I like Gami Drop Shot/Down Shot wide gap hooks in size 2; I know that's heresy but they hook up better for me on the big kokes we have been catching at Roosevelt.
One tip that may help is to put a slight bend in the sling blade about a third to half way up and put it in the water to see the difference. The manufacturer actually softened the metal to make it easier to do this. I rig with P-Line CFX 12# it gives more action to the lure while being small enough to snell the hooks easier. I like Gami Drop Shot/Down Shot wide gap hooks in size 2; I know that's heresy but they hook up better for me on the big kokes we have been catching at Roosevelt.

My knowledge has improved immensely on this subject. I have had some good luck with adding the bend as you say, but as of late, I have been a big fan of the smaller sized kokabow dodgers and the 5.5" mag tackle pink stealth dodger.

I still am weary about fishing deeper than 30 feet specially since I am not sure if my presentation is being seen, but I have been told I worry about it too much.

I wish pink was visible all the way down to the bottom ;)
I wish pink was visible all the way down to the bottom ;)
It is visible, just not as the same color. I routinely catch Kokes on pink to 60' deep.

Time of year can also change what lure the Kokes are looking for. Once the summer heats up, get out the Apexes.
That is a better way to put it, it's not pink but it has a different contrast.

What do you use when you fish deeper than 60' though?
I am a huge fan of tackle with ultraviolet. Buy a UV flashlight and check to see how a particular lure responds to it. Also you can add glow beads/hoochies for additional contrast at depth. Real silver or gold spinners also reflect more light at depth than nickel. We have fished at Chelan 150' deep and done fine. Who knows what they can or can't see, all I know is we caught fish using glow, uv, and real gold spinner blades.
Make sure you have some good spoons as well, some days I catch more trout then kokes on dodgers and hoochies, and the spoon trolled without a dodger catches the kokes. Go figure. A good starting point for spoons are little cleos in 1/4 to 1/3 oz., can't go wrong with gold and silver. As far as dodgers and hoochies I like a hammered silver dodger with green splatterback hoochies tipped with single kernels of corn. This pays off more for me then sling blades and pink hoochies. A short leader from dodger to hoochie, 12 to 14 inches. Sometimes I have better luck tipping with maggots (the real ones!) or bits of worm. Good Luck, Bob R P.S. I troll at whatever depths I see arches at, about 5 to 8 ft. above them. Early season we flatline at least one rod, more if it pays off. I troll deep (15 to 65 ft.) with downrigger, although not Lake Chelan depths.
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Even when fishing in water that's 200 feet deep, I usually find enough cooperative fish 65 ft and above that I don't bother chasing arches 100' deep. And I'd support downriggeral's comments whole heartedly.
If I can help go onto U TUBE punch up the subject of colors there is a lot on the subject that will answer your question and help educate you.
I've been mainly trolling these lures for around 13 years now and where i fish there's no difference in catch rate between the hot spot and pro troll versions. If the water is clear you might try a long leader to the dodger (the dodger is more for attraction since these lures have plenty of action of their own.) Re-rig with lighter line like mentioned and use a bobber stop so you can adjust the hook set-back... some days they like the corn swinging a few inches in back of the lure.

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tip with one piece of corn per hook and smear some gel scent on the lure. I only use the 1.5 versions that are sold as trout lures (they measure 2" from tip to tip) and change out the 12lb line to 8lb. There are days when the hot spot out produces the pro troll but there are just as many days when it's the other way around. Most of the time i run each version on both sides of the boat and there's no difference. Troll these lures at 1.4 to 1.6 mph, vary your speed and do plenty of s turns. I only run them on the downriggers... never tried them without.

Thanks for the advice, SB. I've never tried Apex lures before so appreciate the help
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