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  1. fishslayer13


    Hey Ricks was the 5 lber a kokanee or a coho salmon ? Ive heard of some 18 & 19 inch kokes in cascade but not 5. I have caught 5 lb coho there before though. Would be great if they had some pig kokes in there now !!
  2. fishslayer13

    tent at the gorge

    Thats about what I figured ! Im not thinking it would be to great in a tent for a week. Thanks for the input you guys.
  3. fishslayer13

    tent at the gorge

    I dont think Im going to get my pickup camper replaced this year. So was wondering if my big Alacknak tent would work anywhere at buckboard ? Last time I was there the wind was bad. I havent been in about 5 years and know some changes have been made to the camp grounds. Didnt look like...
  4. fishslayer13

    Ever have one of these days?

    Yep seen it a lot ! Most of the time if you bring them both in side by side so you can see them, they will have a slight difference in the way they run. More action less action or whatever. Orrrr you just had really bad luck LOL ! A day on the water with your grandson is way cool !
  5. fishslayer13

    Basic boating rules and courticy

    Last year on Dworshak here, a guy in a 28 ft twin engine jet boat cut between us and the shore when we were trolling kokes. We were 40 yards from the bank. This guy could see me for half a mile and there was 200 yards of lake on the other side of me. I have a 22 ft thunder jet offshore with 3...
  6. fishslayer13

    2013-2016 Idaho Kokanee Fishing Reports Quick Links

    One of my pet peeves ! People getting ready on the ramp instead of the parking lot. If a guy isnt that experienced at putting his boat in or out of the water no big deal ! Ill even offer to help. But loading and unloading things in and out of your boat , standing around and talking...
  7. fishslayer13

    Double hooks

    I do the same as dragonfly----always the forward hook. One only. Some time in very tuf fishing conditions I will put a live maggot on the trailer hook with the black head part of the maggot facing out. Have it just on the tip of the hook. They wiggle when you do this and a lot the time it helps...
  8. fishslayer13

    My new Duckworth is finally here!!

    Nice Ride ! Sounds like its set up well. Good luck with the lake Stevens derby !
  9. fishslayer13

    If You Had One Lake to Fish.........

    Another vote for Flaming Gorge ! I haven't been over in a few years but am going again this year. Its about a 14 hour drive for us, but worth it.
  10. fishslayer13

    2013-2016 Idaho Kokanee Fishing Reports Quick Links

    Thats about the way Dworshak runs until about june. It can be good every now and then and not so good too. Very inconsistent this time of year. Did anyone run a silver hyper plaid agitator with a spinner 10 feet behind it. Yep thats what I said, 10 feet. Works a lot, earlier in the year...
  11. fishslayer13

    adjustable line release / cable terminator combo from Walker

    Ha ha ! Well Im sure I didnt stick with them long enough. But can you fish kokes 1 hour and macs the next or macs on one rigger and kokes on the other and not make an adjustment that takes time ? Or are you saying you can make adjustments quick and easy to the release because you know exactly...
  12. fishslayer13

    Anybody try a large kwikfish for attraction in front of your offering for Kokanee?

    Oh yeah could have been . I have had a head cold and not thinking to straight.
  13. fishslayer13

    Anybody try a large kwikfish for attraction in front of your offering for Kokanee?

    SuperD brought it up on another thread I think. He also brought up using a lyman plug-- which I dont know but the side to side of a lyman is nice . It might just be a brilliant Idea. I going to re-paint a couple and find out. Your absolutely right its a kick to tinker with and make your own tackle.
  14. fishslayer13

    Double hooks on wedding ring rigs?

    I dont fish with out double hooks either. But have a couple friends that wont use them as they say they end up with the extra hook in there hands all the time. I rig pretty much as Dfly does.. I run my spinners farther back than say I would a hoochie. I would say at least 20 inches.
  15. fishslayer13

    After the catch

    Kokrook that Techni ice is some interesting stuff. I have never heard of it before, so I went and watched a vid on youtube about it. Might have to give it a try.
  16. fishslayer13

    adjustable line release / cable terminator combo from Walker

    D-fly If memory serves 6 or 7 twists. I put my line through hell. I have used maximum line before and others . I'm extremely consistent on what I do and my twist would almost always be in about the same place on the line. For what I do and how I do it they just caused head aches. After...
  17. fishslayer13

    adjustable line release / cable terminator combo from Walker

    I had a pair of chamberlians. I dont like to twist my line to make them work. Its hard on line. One of the places I fish kokes you may also pick up a 15 ib salmon or a trout that big, and twist in any line makes weak points. Thought I was having line issues so changed to 4 0r 5 brands of...
  18. fishslayer13

    2013-2016 Idaho Kokanee Fishing Reports Quick Links

    Had a friend go last week during the warm spell and didnt catch a single koke. Caught a few trout. Said it was darn slow.
  19. fishslayer13

    Sling blade New Design

    interesting I looked at them online and they are fairly small. Be cool to see how they work for you.
  20. fishslayer13

    Sling blade New Design

    Yep Dragonfly, and I hear lot of people talk, that call them a flasher. But a flasher spins in a wide circle (loops) in the water. They are used more for fishing salmon in the ocean. But I have caught kokes on a small version 4 inches long. What are the Alvins never heard of one ?