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Kokanee Fishing Forums

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  1. oldguy43

    An American Birthday!!!

    Great fish. I have had a couple on like that yet to land one.....
  2. oldguy43

    American 4/14

    Friday 4- 12 2 in boat we went 2 out of 5 { 1- 18 incher 1- 14 inches ] Monday fished 7 to 2 - no kokanee..
  3. oldguy43

    The smell... American 3-29 + 3-30

    Ready For the smell and the taste any time now....
  4. oldguy43

    Strip Mining Fish

    Catch your limit, then fish for perch
  5. oldguy43

    American Lake 4/28/2012

    Friday report 2 koks 8 hours fishing, 1 at 32, 1 at 50 feet.
  6. oldguy43

    American Lake 4/28/2012

    Be out there tomorrow morning, hope to catch a couple for breakfast saturday.
  7. oldguy43

    American 22 Apr 12

    A limit before 9, thats great
  8. oldguy43

    Wounded Warrior Fishing Program

    count me in. I could take two. Any time would be o.k
  9. oldguy43

    American Lake 8-9-2011 :))

    Thanks for the report, I will give it a try friday morning.
  10. oldguy43

    More Pierce County Chrome

    Great report, nice fish.
  11. oldguy43

    American 7-30

    Great report, glad to see the lake is still putting out, be out here soon.
  12. oldguy43

    Roll Call

    welcome matt
  13. oldguy43

    Cooperative Kokanee

    deep fried, never thought of that, sounds good.
  14. oldguy43

    Where are the biggest Kokes?

    lake Rosevelt biggest I have put in the boat 4lbs
  15. oldguy43

    There were still some left for me today

    Good report, fishing is just getting a little bit tougher for some of us, if you put the time in you can still catch some nice fish.
  16. oldguy43

    American Lake 5.27.2011

    It was nice to have a top on the boat friday, 2 of us got 8 fish, fishing was tough.
  17. oldguy43

    American Lake - 2011

    Pink squid with uv Vance dodger { 11 inch leader } seems to work for me, troll as slow as you can. We put 15 in the boat yesterday, lost quite a few, took 4 hours.
  18. oldguy43

    American Lake - 2011

    It was a great day to be on the water, 2 of us limited in about 4 hours fishing at 35 feet down on pink squid behind uv Vance dodgers, also with Glup maggets....
  19. oldguy43

    American Lake - 2011

    Sunday, quite a few people fishing, we went 10 for a 11, not bad for 2 old fellows on a nice morning.