only saw one boat out there yesterday a 4:00 on the way home from work. Haven't seen many out there at all any day this week. I live a block away from the park on Veteran's drive.
Fished tuesday, limited in 4 hours, lost quiet a few, 2 in boat....
I went out this morning (Friday) and picked up a limit in less than an hour. I was using an amber color spinner with a brass blade behind a watermelon sling blade, just below the surface. There were many boats on the lake and most seemed to be getting fish. The sun was out and no wind!!
Launched at 5:45 A/M and started fishing at 6:00 A/M. I caught my limit by 6:30 and was headed for the dock by 6:35. Started off the morning with a double within 5 minutes after I started trolling. After that, it was fast and furious. Went 5 for 5 this A/M and used my typical set-ups.
Got out early this morning 5:45 yet was the 7th boat launching. Ran over to the other side of the island and trolled past the VA and the other launch. Was running all chrome dodgers with Rocky Mountain Green Hoochie w/spinner blade. Pink Gulp Maggots and DNA scent. Caught my fastest limit yet in 25 minutes with one double.
Fish were all on top with one rod down at 10 ft off the rigger and the other one flat-lined. I also went out on Saturday evening and found three koks at 30 ft. Fish went deep with the wonderful jet ski and water ski folks out on the water already101chromefish101
Nice Job Everyone!!! Most Anglers seem to be doing pretty well at American. As for me, this old hack just gets lucky every once in a while. I can't even begin to count the number of times I've gotten skunked. But thanks to the tips I've picked up from my friends on this forum, I've done much better.