Still somewhat new to posting here, so I was a little slow in getting this post out... Had a pretty successful fishing trip to Anderson Ranch this past Sunday - Father's Day - with my wife. Started at the top (across from Curlew). Marked tons of fish there (so many and so constant I thought maybe my fishfinder was acting up). Almost all were in the 10'-15' range, but didn’t get one bite from that group. We were fishing with 1 to 2 ½ oz of lead, trying several different dodgers and ford fenders, but no luck. Several boats were out there, but I only saw one fish caught - on a ford fender. By late-morning, I tried using my 'new-to-me' downrigger (a used Scotty 1100) - in the same area. First time out with it and first time using one like that. I set it at 35’, using a sling blade and a pink hoochie. Within 3 minutes, I had my first hookup. It did not feel like a Kokanee, so I let him take lots of line out and he played me for about 20 seconds, but then threw the hook. I saw him for several seconds flopping on the surface after he threw the hook - about 50-75' out, then he disappeared. So I re-set up the downrigger and went back to the same area. About a half hour later, I had another very similar hookup. This time I cranked down a bit on the drag, trying to force him in. Again after a short run, he threw the hook and was gone. In both situations, I swear it did not feel like a Kokanee, that I felt some heft to both of them. Could I have had one of those Chinook on that I've heard about? Can’t say for sure, but I guess I need to improve my technique to land whatever they were. But by noon, we still had no fish on-board. So we headed down to Fall Creek. Within minutes there, we were into the Kokanees. Cruised back and forth across the inlet, catching a few 16 inchers and the rest 15 inchers - all fat. After 2 ½ hours, we had 10 in the boat. 7 were caught on ford fenders and hoochies with 2oz lead, 50'-60' behind the boat, and 3 were caught with my downrigger, setting it to either 20' or 25', still using the sling blade and pink hoochie. We had one double on my two poles and landed both (my wife is great at netting! worthy12 ) and only lost one (a quick hookup that was on and off in a few second) while at Fall Creek. All-in-all, a slow-starting, but great Father's Day! Kevin
Beige Targa V16 Tracker with green canopy and 75 Merc 4-stroke