2013 Arrowrock Fishing Thread

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trollee trollerton, I know the Alan you are referring to. He is a good friend of mine and yes his Lures are a winner. Used the Hawk this morning at Lucky Peak from 10 am -1 pm and caught 8 med sized trout. No luck today on the Kokes. Have been using his Lures for 2 yrs now and he is constantly coming out with new ones.

It took me 4 hours to figure out the depth and color, and less then 2 hours to limit. I start at 10 and drop down 5 every 15 min, if no luck I switch colors and start over. And oh yeah I switch speeds also, makes a huge diff.

Arrow was fun today trollin out of 16 ft jonboat,using red double whammys wth slingblade, 5/8 trollin sinker, corn and let out 60ft of line . Got most bites left of ramp out in middle. Lost most of them. Landed 4 hogs, 4 bows, and a city.
Testing, Testing.. Was the last post for A/R really on 5/7/13... I tried to post earlier today but it did not take... 5/7/13 is the last response I can see... ?????
The Administrators of this site had to clean up and remove a few of the more recent posts because some of the content had "gone south". You should have no problem posting on the Arrowrock forum from here on out. If you have any more trouble posting on this thread rafting4fun, please pm either myself or one of the Administrators and we will see what the problem is.
Ok, one more shot.. either my pix go missing or my entire post.... I think it's a conspiracy :)... While boating a nice limit of kokes the other day (day before last) at around 1015 hours I witnessed a road grader moving slowly s/b. When I say noticed I mean I heard then saw. That road is a wreck. Well by the time I got off the water they had graded from the ramp to the paved transition below AR Dam. It was a nice drive home but I can tell you it's going to be short lived. People need to slow down. At this point it may take the Boise County Sheriff to intervene... they just do not have the resources to handle this remote area. I propose a nice sign on the ramp to explain the rules of ramp etiquette. I also propose a meeting with the Boise County Sheriff to address the fast driving which butchers that road.
I would also like to catch the idiot's that are leaving their trash parked next to the ramp... Coor's Box... and the numerous plastic floating in the lake...... I picked up some of it, however; it's too much for one guy to handle.

To date I was Pike free... now the scales of justice are working against me.. hooked 6 of those bait hogs... each developed a sudden case of tragedy.. AHmm ambiguity at its best.

With that said the fish are big and loads of good eating.. B 4 I forget.. anyone know the PCB/Mercury levels in A/R... All that mining above Anderson had to have brought something down below.
The bad part is this. Last year the BLM launched a good size vessel on A/R to study and get rid of a huge population of Pike's Minnows by setting gill nets. It was working great from what I could see. The next day, due to water drop that they had not anticipated, their boat became stuck on shore. They left it there for the night until they could get another boat to drag them off shore. Low and behold the idiots happened again. They, the idiots, Burned their gill nets and stole a very important piece of electronic gear that would end up being entirely useless to them. (definitely not Kokanee fisherman)... REALLY???:? The cost of the important electronic equipment/????? $7,000.

This is probably not a productive rant, however; I would offer the following. I am willing to establish a meeting with Boise County Sheriff. I doubt they have the funds for sign, however; I would be willing to chip in to have a sign near the ramp offering caveats in reference to Ramp Etiquette/litter etc... something about the size of the Nifty "MUSHROOMS" sign indicating a permit should be drawn prior to Mushroom harvesting... It's a revenue builder but with the right kind of pressure/request's I think we might be able to get some help..
END RANT... tight lines all, Jt

Post Script: lake trolls, for me right now, are out doing sling blades. Pinks/red's are good.. shallow in the am and down to 23ft in the noon. 1.5 color's in (LL) in the AM, out to 5Colors by 1PM.. scent was tested against no scent. The Scented "SHoePeg" out performed the natural, BIG TIME... I'm not pushing scent, i'm just saying it makes a dfference. 101idea101
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Thanks for the post. The trash problem has definitely grown in the last couple of years. It will have to be a group effort to keep this lake a nice place to visit. Glad to hear of your success.
I have made Arrowrock my favorite fishing digs for the past three years...and really pay attention to the activity up there...I love your posts Rafting...thanks for sharing...not to disagree with you per say...but the truth is that trucks dragging boats slow up the hills is typically what causes the wash board roads...its not the fast moving cars and empty trucks that do the most damage...however...they do drive waaaay too fast up there...seems like every year someone goes off the side into the drink...secondly...people are pigs everywhere I have ever lived...and it baffles me how anyone can drag in coolers of "full" drinks....and can't be bothered to take home the empties...leave their worm containers and crap everywhere...its bad everywhere...people suck.
As far as the big boat last year, it was an outfit out of Minnesota...they were there to tag Bull trout for a study...they were using the nets to safely catch the Bull's and radio tag them...I did ask if they were killing the pikeminnows they were catching...they said they were killing a lot of them...but there were so many they didn't have time to kill them all...that's not why they were there. I saw their boat up on the beach...it was kinda funny at the time....but really sucked for them....so far however....we haven't caught any in the few trips we went this spring...hope it stays that way...Good luck gentlemen...
The more I fish for these land locked salmon the more I realize what I thought I knew about them is wrong. Saturday was the best day we have ever had fishing for kokes. We landed close to 30. Had probably another 15 on. We caught them on just about everything we tried. I even caught a few on my new secret rigging. It seemed that it didn't matter what we put back as long as it had some vanilla scent on it. They didn't want herring oil, tuna oil, shrimp oil, corn, carp spit, anise, or plain. We caught them as shallow as 1' and down to 25'. We caught them with 1 color of leadcore and as many as 5 colors. We also caught 2 of the biggest kokes I have ever seen. Best part about it was we had them all to our selves. The main pool had a few boats and the SF arm had the rest. I'd you are waiting for some great koke action, get out there cause its here
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I was up at AR today.Began around 10 am and within 15 min had two big Kokes on board. Within 4 hrs I had limited out using a sling blade and pink squid. Shrimp was the scent of the day. Stayed at 2 colors out all day and a speed between 1.6 - 2.0. My husband took a bit longer to limit out, however he caught the biggest Koke of the day . Measured about 18 ", nice and fat. Again he was only 2 colors out and using the same sling blade and pink squid. It was a perfect day except the dang wind. Thought it would blow us into the next county. Great day of fishing.
Fished AR this morning for 4 hours. Couldn't believe how many boats and shore fishermen for a Monday. Never thought I'd be saying this, but LP was peaceful with very few boats. We picked up our two limits, thanks to Cricket's advice. Thanks, Cricket. It would slow down, and we'd drop the dr's and get into them again. When we pulled out we were connecting at 26'. Beautiful day, and beautiful kokes up to 18". Mike
Hey Jimbojunp, ok well the gentleman I spoke with said he was with BLM... he did not say where (what state) , I assumed Idaho.. he never mentioned the Bull trout but was aware that there was some grumbling concerning the Pike Minnow population. About the wash boards I agree to a point. I find it interesting that the major ones are on the uphill side. Even though I mentioned speed and I have seen some speed concerns, I think when people accelerate up a grade the tires/suspension begin to do their thing and it creates ruts. Even at slower speeds while accelerating uphill you get that chatter. then it does not matter what speed you are travelling accept for maybe 1 or 2mph.. you are going to accentuate the ruts...
Sounds like there will be some pigs on arrow rock this year. My best to date is 19.5".. I think we are going to see a few 20"... woohoooo.... I'm in an old basstracker (low line) that I just put a few bucks in (26yrs old) ... say hi if we are up there together, I'd like to shake your paw.... tight lines... Wed forecast is going the wrong direction... so the am is looking gooooooood!!!! 101chromefish101
Bites all day with a pink slingblade, pink kokabow, 1 1/4 oz sinker,corn. Lost them all except 2 hogs. Soo much fun. very yummy.
Thanks for the info Nepetbutler, out of curiosity, are you using Sickle hooks??? Wow, and 1 1/4 sinker... (on Mono???) If you are not using Sickle hooks, you might want to try them. For me, my strike to land ratio went way up.. 5 for 5 or even 6 for 6 is not unusual.. I like these hooks as it has raised my catch rate significantly. Personally, I use the 4 on top and 6 on the bottom. add to which , many many many many times, i find on a miss hook, that they are killing my upper hook and not the trlr. I used to think the fish hit my bait , DIRECTLY FROM BEHIND,,, why is it then , that on a take down/miss my upper hook is stripped while the trlr hook is seemingly untouched...
Any info would be appreciated.. I would like to know what you guys are experiencing and what specific hooks you are using.. for me the sickle hook has been more productive... I am interested in what you guys are seeing...
Being that Kokanee for the most part feed on Zooplankton/zytoplankton/and Mysis shrimp, why
are they tearing our "offerings" to literally pieces??? WHY??? Are they protecting their future? Are they beefing up for the spawn?? I have a good supply of pink and red hootchies... for a reason ....do they resemble Mysis shrimP??? Also the color in the water.. If RED becomes ranslucent or a dark color at 35 -30 feet is that what they resemble???
Feel free to chime in here.. I'm very interested in continuing my pursuit and overall knowledge of this species... good luck to all.... end rant :)
Hey Rafting...the reason the bad washboard is on the uphill runs...is because the heavy trucks and boats mostly go really slow because they don't want to throw rocks up on their boats and make a dust cloud...when they drag heavy loads uphill, it makes the drive wheels lose and gain traction back and forth...limited slip differentials do that...transfers power to one side or the other but never both at the same time...unless one has positraction...then both rear wheels are driving it...so going faster would help but then of course you risk killing someone or running off the road..LOL...I will take the washboard over death every time...hahaha.

From what I understand, Kokes don't attack our lures for the purposes of feeding per say...its a territorial, or maybe...you're in my personal space defensive attack...as for why the front hook gets nailed most, is that most attacks are designed to disable a baitfish by knocking him silly...they hit the head 9 out of ten times in the hopes of disabling the victim for either consumption or just to make it go away...I have a 5" topwater lure I love to use for bass...the front hook is a good 4" from the back hook and maybe one fish out of 30 is only hooked on the rear hook...I definitely have a lot more confidence in the tandem hook set up...especially on kokes since they have a verrrry soft mouth...so two hooks is always better than one. I use circle or octopus hooks also because they seem to hold the fish on way better than other styles..I have used sickle hooks as well and they work pretty well too.

I will look for you next time I head up there...my boat is gone now...I traded it for a Giant Ford F-250...my buddy recently got a 97 Hewes craft Jet given to him and we should have it ready for kokes by this weekend...hopefully anyway...hope to see you up there sometime...
Has anyone used a mini down rigger? I have a 14 ft smoker craft and would like to use one but have no idea which kind to get.
I would shy away from the mini downrigger and get a Cannon Easi Troll Manual downrigger. It is full size, but worked great on my thirteen foot Gregor aluminum boat. Easy to use and the two foot boom helped keep the cable out of the prop. You can buy a clip-on mount if you don't have a place to permanently mount the rigger on your boat or are looking at the mini because of it's clip on mount.
I am looking at the mini because of the clip on mount. We are not sure where to put it. So I can get a clip on mount for the Cannon Easi troll? Sawtooth, can I ask where you purchased the Easi troll?
Cricket, I bought my downrigger from a friend, but I just looked at the Cabelas site and they have both the Easi Troll and the clip on mount for sale. The mount works great, but if you google "downrigger mounts for small boats" you will see several creative ideas for mounting a downrigger on a small single wall boat.
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