Ok, one more shot.. either my pix go missing or my entire post.... I think it's a conspiracy

... While boating a nice limit of kokes the other day (day before last) at around 1015 hours I witnessed a road grader moving slowly s/b. When I say noticed I mean I heard then saw. That road is a wreck. Well by the time I got off the water they had graded from the ramp to the paved transition below AR Dam. It was a nice drive home but I can tell you it's going to be short lived. People need to slow down. At this point it may take the Boise County Sheriff to intervene... they just do not have the resources to handle this remote area. I propose a nice sign on the ramp to explain the rules of ramp etiquette. I also propose a meeting with the Boise County Sheriff to address the fast driving which butchers that road.
I would also like to catch the idiot's that are leaving their trash parked next to the ramp... Coor's Box... and the numerous plastic floating in the lake...... I picked up some of it, however; it's too much for one guy to handle.
To date I was Pike free... now the scales of justice are working against me.. hooked 6 of those bait hogs... each developed a sudden case of tragedy.. AHmm ambiguity at its best.
With that said the fish are big and loads of good eating.. B 4 I forget.. anyone know the PCB/Mercury levels in A/R... All that mining above Anderson had to have brought something down below.
The bad part is this. Last year the BLM launched a good size vessel on A/R to study and get rid of a huge population of Pike's Minnows by setting gill nets. It was working great from what I could see. The next day, due to water drop that they had not anticipated, their boat became stuck on shore. They left it there for the night until they could get another boat to drag them off shore. Low and behold the idiots happened again. They, the idiots, Burned their gill nets and stole a very important piece of electronic gear that would end up being entirely useless to them. (definitely not Kokanee fisherman)... REALLY???:? The cost of the important electronic equipment/????? $7,000.
This is probably not a productive rant, however; I would offer the following. I am willing to establish a meeting with Boise County Sheriff. I doubt they have the funds for sign, however; I would be willing to chip in to have a sign near the ramp offering caveats in reference to Ramp Etiquette/litter etc... something about the size of the Nifty "MUSHROOMS" sign indicating a permit should be drawn prior to Mushroom harvesting... It's a revenue builder but with the right kind of pressure/request's I think we might be able to get some help..
END RANT... tight lines all, Jt
Post Script: lake trolls, for me right now, are out doing sling blades. Pinks/red's are good.. shallow in the am and down to 23ft in the noon. 1.5 color's in (LL) in the AM, out to 5Colors by 1PM.. scent was tested against no scent. The Scented "SHoePeg" out performed the natural, BIG TIME... I'm not pushing scent, i'm just saying it makes a dfference. 101idea101