Roll Call

Kokanee Fishing Forums

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Roll call

Name: Ed
Occupation: Truck driver
Hometown: clearwater Fl.
Lakes of most experience: Yale
Total years fishing: 2
Years fishing for Kokanee:

Name: Gordon
Occupation: Director of Operations
Hometown: Wallace, ID
Current Hometown: Auburn, WA
Total Years Fishing: 42
Years Kokanee Fishing: 8 when young, 1 when old (current, LOL)
Method: Trolling 3oz weight, dodger, hootchie, longline and learning to use a diver, inflatable Colorado Pontoon Boat with trolling motor
Name: Rod
Occupation: Retired
Hometown: Kelso
Lakes of most experience: Loon, Merwin, Yale Wallowa, Wenatchee
Total years fishing: 54
Years fishing for Kokanee :20
Methods: Trolling,
Boat: 21ft. Alumaweld, 16ft. Smoker Craft