I fished yesterday for about an hour and a half before the wind got too bad. I saw only two fish on the locator between the dam and pipeline gulch. Turner still has the short center dock. The other docks are not in the water yet.
all the fish were in the 15 to 17 inch range. not a bad size for LP this early, in my opinion.
You were using green, Bright green, Light green, ??? I do not seem to have any luck using green. No confidence in the color i guess.
bummer about the small fish Kok-head, but at least it was a very nice day to be out on the water. always tomorrow.![]()
I understand about not wanting to catch or keep the small fish. However, finding some small fish is a good indication for future years. The big ones we catch now were smaller just a year or two ago. I'd be concerned if no one were catching any smaller fish.