2017 Dworshak Reservoir Kokanee Fishing Report

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I went exploring last Thursday, visited with a couple of guys launching at Freeman and then drove around to Indian creek. There was some areas of the road that had some erosion and a couple of county guys were marking areas to be repaired. The road was open at that time but will probably be closed when the work starts. The launch was closed but it was a great place to eat lunch and just sit back for a while.
This was last week so who knows if they have completed the repairs on the road.
I can't verify that it is true but I heard that the road into the Canyon Creek ramp is closed. ???

Regardless - don't bother. Unless you're running only an electric motor you'll not save any time by putting in at Canyon, even if you can get there. You're time ahead to put in at Big Eddy and just motor up there. I put in at Canyon ONCE and won't ever do it again. Just fining the correct roads was an adventure, not to mention they're all steep and windy, slow going.
Great Kokanee Fishing.

Barb and I finally made it to Dworshak Monday. The highway from Gibb's Eddy to Orofino has a lot of road construction going on, at one point we were held up about 45 minutes, took much more time than usual, but is going to be a very good highway when they are done. We took the Kendrick/Juiieatta route coming back to Asotin, it is a beautiful drive, the next trip we will take this route, and put in at the State Park.

Now for the fishing: We launched the boat at Bruces Eddy. Thought about fishing Merry's Bay, but there was a lot of woody debris on the surface, so we went straight to Indian/Canyon Creek. The plan was to long line three rods using 1.5 to 3.5 oz banana weights, a string of Jack-A-Loid spinners, trailed by a squid type lure with a 3 hook setup that I tie up, have found that using 3 hooks really increases the catch ratio, setback was 60'

Put three lines in and immediately started catching Kokanee, it was non-stop catching, and baiting, had many doubles and triples, the fish were all in the10"/11" range, very nice and plump, beautiful fish. We limited out around 11:00AM, would have cleaned the fish on the water, but the surface temp. was 75*F, so we kept them on ice, and cleaned them at home. The bait was Shoepeg Corn, started with white & red, but the red was getting the best bite, so we went all red, all the corn used was marinated with scent. Next trip we will try the downriggers, will be a little slower operation, but can use lighter gear, and have more fun playing the fish. It was a gorgeous day on Dworshak, sunshine, and just a light breeze, what a day to be on the water, and best of all what great fishing.

Tight lines..... Ken & Barb
Way Cool

Thanks much for the good report Ken! And the scoop on the road condition is helpful too. Hoping to be on the water early this Saturday to watch the sunrise and rod tips bounce. All the best!
Me too

I'll be out too on Saturday with the rest of the holiday herd. Taking the blue fin & deck dollies in tow. We will NOT be out early! Tight lines everyone!
Indian Creek

Anthony, I went out yesterday and fished about 6 hours between the two marinas and caught 10. I had 2 poles out and twice I had fish on both poles. I was fishing with corn on one and maggots on the other, didn't seem to make a difference. 3 oz. lead out about 60 ft. Went 2 hours at one point without a bite. Talked to some other folks who had not done as well. Not familiar with the reservoir all that much, where is Indian Cr? I would like to get enough to fill my smoker. Also, curious about what everyone uses for gear up there. My buddy that showed me how to troll last year for kokanee uses a 3 oz. hunk of lead to a gang of spinner blades and then a wedding ring spinner tipped with maggots. Anybody jig or have another method for catching these fish in Dworshak? Also, what is the ratio of lead to line length to reach a certain depth? I saw that graph somewhere and can't find it again. I don't have downriggers.

Sorry it took so long to get back to you. Indian Creek is the inlet between Marys Bay and Canyon Creek. I would think 3 Oz would be to much, ( just my opinion). 1 oz. should be plenty- just let more line out. I fish with just the basics, Ford Fender and a green single hook wedding ring. (and of course a good snubber) I agree with whoever said more weight = more fish lost. We never use a net, just haul them in the boat. I believe they hit different with a single hook compared to double whammies and tend to get a deeper bite with single hooks. and treble hooks seem to be the worst of all for losing them. We will be going out again this week, they should be growing fast with the Nutrients they are adding to the reservoir.
Good Luck fishing!
fishing for blueback at dworschak going up to try june1-5

Has anyone fished Dworshak this year for Kokanee (2017) ?

i'm going up to dworshack june1-5 will report on fishing, i start fishing 20-30 feet early in morning, and deeper as upper water warms will give report when i get back , I love at lewiston,idaho if any can add today or tell may 31 please let me know thanks smartingale
Dropped in at Bruce's on Saturday at about 6:40 AM. Cruised on up to Indian Creek. Came across Icelander right off, in fact got right in his way as my son Tyler and I dropped a couple lines in the water and proceeded to get an instant tangle. While working that out we were worse than a derelict as every once in a while one of use would toss the kicker tiller left or right to correct the dizzying random twists and turn of a driverless powered boat. Most fun you can have at 1.2 MPH :D Afterwards, looked up and we were within talking range of a tinny that reminded of a post here, apologized for being a hazard and got to introduce ourselves and ask if he was a forum poster. Sure nuff, Icalander introduced self and we said our hello's and went to trying to be less of a hindrance to safe boating while we fished.

We marked some nice clumps around Indian. Dropped a couple of long lines in and went to work on rigging the downriggers. Wasn't long until we had several nice 12 inch fat boys in the ice, all on long lines. I noticed the fish were in small clumps and you could hit them in the same area and go hitless most everywhere else. We were also losing LOTS of fish. I have never lost that many. As well, lots of times get solid hits that never turned into hook up. Really weird day.

With marking fish around 35 foot we stuck the downriggers at 28 and 32. Never once, in the entire day, did we get a hook up on the downriggers. Nada, nuthin. Up, down, different gear. Even running identical gear as the longlines and working the depths up and up. The long lines ruled and the downriggers were silent.

On the long lines we ran chrome, brass, scarlet, green, black, UV, whatever. Most hit was fancy multihued taped up 4 pop with a half green half red wedding ring with a scarlet smilie. At first red dyed corn was best, later on no dye with Mike's kokanee lotion. As the day went by we swapped our pop gear to shiny and bright as we could and kept hitting fish. We ran mostly 3/4 to 1 ounce weight on 60 foot of line. Largish and bright for the pop gear, the littler pop gear was pretty quiet. The dodgers and squids and super light gear hanging on the downriggers never got a hit, as far as I could tell. And I tried almost everything I own.

Trolled on up to Canyon to see how the circus was doing. Generally I won't join the circus, I'd rather find a quiet place and tempt fate my own way. But saturday everyone was going kind of around each in random directions, no order at all, which is always amusing as long as you don't get run over. So we stayed for an hour or so to see if anyone had a wreck, ran aground or got sunk. Next the sheriff boat showed up and pulled up next to almost everyone for a check, which kept making things even more chaotic. Nothing extraordinary happened though. What finally drive us off was the fish we were catching were significantly smaller than what we were catching down at Indian, so back down we went. On the way, watched another boat pull a couple nice ones out about 100 yards off the big rock pile beach 3/4 of the way back to Indian, so headed in ourselves and hit all three long line in the water simultaneously. One of those was a 14 incher. Nice. Made a second pass, got one, kept going to the dock and pulled everything out and headed back before noon. Total catch was 16. Lost at least twice as many, which is something hasn't happened to us in a long time. And had dozens of hits that only amounted to cardio workouts with no fish on the line.

A beautiful day on the water. Nice to meet ya Icelander, thanks for being so forgiving.

Sorry it took so long to get back to you. Indian Creek is the inlet between Marys Bay and Canyon Creek. I would think 3 Oz would be to much, ( just my opinion). 1 oz. should be plenty- just let more line out. I fish with just the basics, Ford Fender and a green single hook wedding ring. (and of course a good snubber) I agree with whoever said more weight = more fish lost. We never use a net, just haul them in the boat. I believe they hit different with a single hook compared to double whammies and tend to get a deeper bite with single hooks. and treble hooks seem to be the worst of all for losing them. We will be going out again this week, they should be growing fast with the Nutrients they are adding to the reservoir.
Good Luck fishing!

Thanks Anthony, I will try all of that next time up. I probably can't get much more than 5 mph out of my motor and boat, so going to Indian cr. from Bruces might take a while. I would hate to get caught back there in a wind storm.Looks like a short distance from Canyon cr. but sounds like there are road issues getting to that launch.
Great fun, fat fish

Dropped in at Bruce's on Saturday at about 6:40 AM. Cruised on up to Indian Creek. Came across Icelander right off, in fact got right in his way as my son Tyler and I dropped a couple lines in the water and proceeded to get an instant tangle. While working that out we were worse than a derelict as every once in a while one of use would toss the kicker tiller left or right to correct the dizzying random twists and turn of a driverless powered boat. Most fun you can have at 1.2 MPH :D Afterwards, looked up and we were within talking range of a tinny that reminded of a post here, apologized for being a hazard and got to introduce ourselves and ask if he was a forum poster. Sure nuff, Icalander introduced self and we said our hello's and went to trying to be less of a hindrance to safe boating while we fished.

We marked some nice clumps around Indian. Dropped a couple of long lines in and went to work on rigging the downriggers. Wasn't long until we had several nice 12 inch fat boys in the ice, all on long lines. I noticed the fish were in small clumps and you could hit them in the same area and go hitless most everywhere else. We were also losing LOTS of fish. I have never lost that many. As well, lots of times get solid hits that never turned into hook up. Really weird day.

With marking fish around 35 foot we stuck the downriggers at 28 and 32. Never once, in the entire day, did we get a hook up on the downriggers. Nada, nuthin. Up, down, different gear. Even running identical gear as the longlines and working the depths up and up. The long lines ruled and the downriggers were silent.

On the long lines we ran chrome, brass, scarlet, green, black, UV, whatever. Most hit was fancy multihued taped up 4 pop with a half green half red wedding ring with a scarlet smilie. At first red dyed corn was best, later on no dye with Mike's kokanee lotion. As the day went by we swapped our pop gear to shiny and bright as we could and kept hitting fish. We ran mostly 3/4 to 1 ounce weight on 60 foot of line. Largish and bright for the pop gear, the littler pop gear was pretty quiet. The dodgers and squids and super light gear hanging on the downriggers never got a hit, as far as I could tell. And I tried almost everything I own.

Trolled on up to Canyon to see how the circus was doing. Generally I won't join the circus, I'd rather find a quiet place and tempt fate my own way. But saturday everyone was going kind of around each in random directions, no order at all, which is always amusing as long as you don't get run over. So we stayed for an hour or so to see if anyone had a wreck, ran aground or got sunk. Next the sheriff boat showed up and pulled up next to almost everyone for a check, which kept making things even more chaotic. Nothing extraordinary happened though. What finally drive us off was the fish we were catching were significantly smaller than what we were catching down at Indian, so back down we went. On the way, watched another boat pull a couple nice ones out about 100 yards off the big rock pile beach 3/4 of the way back to Indian, so headed in ourselves and hit all three long line in the water simultaneously. One of those was a 14 incher. Nice. Made a second pass, got one, kept going to the dock and pulled everything out and headed back before noon. Total catch was 16. Lost at least twice as many, which is something hasn't happened to us in a long time. And had dozens of hits that only amounted to cardio workouts with no fish on the line.

A beautiful day on the water. Nice to meet ya Icelander, thanks for being so forgiving.


No worries Ricks. Didn't even notice as we were busy hitting the schools of bigger fish (thx for sharing your fish finder intel)! Pleasure to meet you too.
We found Kokes shallower early, then 3 oz and 45' after wind died down around 8:30. They seem to be softer this year so added rubber bands, and kicked into neutral to bring more fish into the boat. Limited by noon. Joined the mob at Canyon and like Ricks said smaller fish; except for bigger farther in Canyon Cr bay. Gotta hunt for the bigger fish! If you figure a way to stay on em' let me know!
Dropped in at Bruce's on Saturday at about 6:40 AM. Cruised on up to Indian Creek. Came across Icelander right off, in fact got right in his way as my son Tyler and I dropped a couple lines in the water and proceeded to get an instant tangle. While working that out we were worse than a derelict as every once in a while one of use would toss the kicker tiller left or right to correct the dizzying random twists and turn of a driverless powered boat. Most fun you can have at 1.2 MPH :D Afterwards, looked up and we were within talking range of a tinny that reminded of a post here, apologized for being a hazard and got to introduce ourselves and ask if he was a forum poster. Sure nuff, Icalander introduced self and we said our hello's and went to trying to be less of a hindrance to safe boating while we fished.

We were also losing LOTS of fish. I have never lost that many. As well, lots of times get solid hits that never turned into hook up. Really weird day....

......Total catch was 16. Lost at least twice as many, which is something hasn't happened to us in a long time. And had dozens of hits that only amounted to cardio workouts with no fish on the line.


Think I pulled into Indian right as you were wrapping that up scene up Ricks. I was in the white Duckworth with a couple little girls. Recognized your boat from your profile picture, was going to troll up and say hi, but you outpaced me up to Canyon. We did a few generally unproductive laps in Indian then headed down to Merry's where we found the motherlode and action was non-stop between 15 and 30 feet. I was running 2 downriggers, with a shuttle hawk off one and one long line off the back. Most of the fish were on the DR and shuttle hawk. Pink was the color with the most strikes, regardless of where we put that rod.

Glad to hear someone else was having trouble with landing fish too. Never been so frustrated myself. Probably lost several limits at the side of the boat over the course of the weekend. Lost 12 in a row boatside yesterday and got to the point that I wasn't even interested in trying to mess with popping the rod out of the DR and reeling in the fish till they were on there for a while. And then, most would be gone by the time I got them to the surface or they'd flop off just out of net range. I was about ready to huck a rod into the water! I have no idea what is causing that, but I'm not doing anything different....

Nice sized fish though (the ones that came home) and still managed enough for a worthy canner and smoker session.

Thanks for the tip on Merrys Bay. Sorry we missed you - next time for sure. This last Saturday was my first trip of the year, so I don't mind trying different stuff and not limiting out. Maybe someday I'll get to be a good kokanee fisherman. Until then, I'm having a blast learning.

My son is going to work for Columbia Grain full time, and playing Legion Baseball with the Orofino team - which travels all over the PNW. I doubt I get him on the boat again for a while. I guess I'm gonna have to find a regular fishing partner who likes 1.2 MPH.

Great times ahead this year! Thank all of you on this forum for sharing techniques and equipment. Helps us poor folks who are addicted.

Saturday Canyon Creek

Fished further in Canyon Creek & found a couple of honey holes. Lost, at least, one limit & brought home 20 in about 3-1/2 hours of fishing. 10:30 - 3:30 w/lunch break. Since I don't go anywhere else, I'm going to get moorage at Big Eddy.
While I'm here I'd like to get a recipe for canning kokes? I smoke them but would like to add a little extra by canning a few.
I brine overnight. Don't like sweet, so I just kosher salt water bath and 12 hours in the fridge. Many like to use some brown sugar, I just never had a taste for that. I then cold smoke for 2 hours. After smoking can easily skin them and pull the fin bones. Then pack 1/2 inch shy of top, pint widemouth jars with lengths of skinned fish that fit, bones and all. 90 minutes in the pressure canner. I do not add any liquids or other spices. Not needed.

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Fished further in Canyon Creek & found a couple of honey holes. Lost, at least, one limit & brought home 20 in about 3-1/2 hours of fishing. 10:30 - 3:30 w/lunch break. Since I don't go anywhere else, I'm going to get moorage at Big Eddy.
While I'm here I'd like to get a recipe for canning kokes? I smoke them but would like to add a little extra by canning a few.

Steve - as far as canning, I just cut off heads and tails (gutted and de-scaled of course) then cut them in half and put 2 kokes worth into a wide mouth pint jar with a dash of salt. Can for 110 min at 15lbs. I don't care for the extra work of smoking them first before canning and the texture isn't the same. Have also tried modest amounts of other spices in each can but never have been able to detect a noticeable difference in flavor and have always been worried about changing the Ph or something else that could spoil them, so I go simple and follow the directions in the canner booklet.

Mostly used the canned kokes for patties which are a family favorite/staple all year. Great recipe is a can or two of smoked kokes, crushed tortilla chips, egg, plain yogurt or sour crème, finely chopped red onion and a little black pepper. I personally like bigger lumps of meat in my patties so I don't mix the heck out of it, just enough o get the egg/crème mixed in. Great with a dab of wasabi. Now I'm hungry, darnit!
Kokes in the smoker

Had 3 hours of great fishing last Saturday around Indian Creek. Youngest Granddaughter had the hot rod and boated her first kokes! She's hooked. Hit several on the surface early, then went to 15' to finish.
Noticed lots of trailers at the Big launch but few boats as far as we could see including Canyon Creek. What's the news? More people fishing above Freeman Creek, Elk Creek?
FYI: A Fisheries biologist at Dworshak recommended we NOT scale kokes. Said their scales are natural oils, dissolve quickly, and are tasty to boot. Anyone concur by experience?
Had 3 hours of great fishing last Saturday around Indian Creek. Youngest Granddaughter had the hot rod and boated her first kokes! She's hooked. Hit several on the surface early, then went to 15' to finish.
Noticed lots of trailers at the Big launch but few boats as far as we could see including Canyon Creek. What's the news? More people fishing above Freeman Creek, Elk Creek?
FYI: A Fisheries biologist at Dworshak recommended we NOT scale kokes. Said their scales are natural oils, dissolve quickly, and are tasty to boot. Anyone concur by experience?

I personally don't care to eat the scales or the skin......
Fishing Report

Plan on going to Dworshak Sat; first time this year; does anyone have a report where the hot spots are?

went kokanee this morning (Sat) was raining cats and dogs at 0700; fished Mary's Bay for couple of hours; caught 10 then went to Indian Creek; got 10 in couple of hours then storm moved in and quit. wasn't bad fishing for the weather condition. all nice fish; running 10/11 inch.
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Camping At Dent

Hey, we are camping at Dent this next week and need to know some of the best spots for catching kokes near there. I don't have a big motor and don't want to run very far from there to fish if we don't have to.

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