2023 Anderson Ranch Reservoir Kokanee Report

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Anderson 6-3

Six hooked, two landed(17”). Pink and red Hoochies w micro spinner. 1.2mph, just east of the power line at 10’, 80’-100’ back. Zero strikes on other rod’s that were deeper. Strike window was 11-noon, then off.

PS. My first Idaho kokes in 4 tries, all other attempts at LP. Caught some in Crane Prairie, near Bend/La pine OR last week.
Sunday, 4 June

Fished for 3 1/2 hours (1-430pm) had 9 hits, landed 1, 16 1/2" (not a typo). SHALLOW, 25-35 ft of line with 1 oz weight. Pink Spin-Glo and an orange hoochie with a blue smile blade got the hits.

Most hits came between Lime Creek and Curlew ramp.
Anderson any good?

Have a friend coming up from SLC and is camping at Anderson. He asked if the Kok fishing has been any good as he is bringing his boat. I have not heard any reports of late but he apparently talked to someone and they told him they were averaging 20 per day. Any truth to that?
Pretty good

Fished Wednesday and Thursday. Really windy Wednesday but did ok considering. Smallest was a 16”, biggest a 19.5”. 10 total. Fish were shallow, top 12 feet of water. Pink hoochie and orange apex did the job. Thursday a bit slower but weather nicer. A handful of fish, same depth, but did put a 20” in the box. All fish were fat and healthy.
Had to leave Friday morning. Quite a few boats out and some really questionable parking in the lower dirt lot.
Friends coming

Thanks My 3, I'll probable fish try LP first and then Anderson Ranch. Supposed to rain so will want to stay close until mid/end of week.
My wife and I camped at Curlew Tuesday through Friday, and fished from Line Creek to Curlew. We averaged 3 per day (not full days), up to 18.5". Pink hoochies behind a dodger in the top 15'. Water temperature about 63 degrees. Lots of boats on Friday and a full lot at Curlew by 11:00.
No title

Trail Bob, saw you up there, nice boat, I have the Duckworth 18.
Some additional info, on Wednesday in the wind all our fish came just east of the powerballs, couldn’t buy a bite between lime and the ramp.
Any idea why the mid portion of the dock was caved in? Looks like someone tried to beach their boat on it!!
Not sure what happened to the dock, someone else also told me about it. Interesting, we also caught more in the wind on Wednesday than we did when it was calm in Thursday.
AR report

Fished yesterday, 7-noon. We ended up with 6 nice fish 15-18 inches. All fish were caught between the narrows and Fall Creek, 15-25 ft. I had fish in the gear all morning on Livescope. Lots of lookers but not biters.
Fished the "Narrows" today between 7:00 and 11:00 (wind really picked up at 11:00 which made trolling difficult). We had multiple strikes with fish-on but only landed two (2) - none were lost at the boat - they came unbuttoned after jumping and/or not releasing from the downriver release. One was a very fat 17"er and the other was around 12". We fished shallow 15 - 20 feet on down riggers with dodgers and pink hootchies. There were a number of boats out basically doing the same with about the same results.
Landlock chinook

Just curious if the Landlock chinook survived in AR? If so, what size are they?
Spent Wednesday and Thursday nights at Curlew .....and fishing was absolutely dead. Most guys were just shaking their heads. Talked to several folks at the ramp and the camp ground and there were a few that got a few Kokes....but not many. The bite has gone cold for the time being.

The bite was back on today. Our biggest was 19 3/4” and 2lbs 13oz. We weren’t the only boat catching fish either. Saw quite a few others dipping nets. It was a beautiful day too. 10-20’ ft down pink spin n glo behind pink sling blade is what worked for us.
Anderson Ranch

I spent Wednesday and Thursday at Curlew. Wednesday caught 5, 1 little I released and 4 from 17 to 19. One line on down rigger, 20 to 30 feet down, had pink and silver dodger with pink hoocie with corn, on long line, ran pink and white dodger with corn, 3 on long line, 2 on down rigger. I only lost 1 fish at the boat. Thursday was tough for me, running same gear, hooked up 6, lost everyone. The ones on down rigger instantly came up, they spent more time in the air than in the water, did everything but jump in after them, ha ha. When I was leaving, talked to some guys who had did really good, they said most fish were closer to the dam, bottom half of res. 1 fish was getting the hooked nose, 1 had eggs, but all were really nice shape
Just curious if the Landlock chinook survived in AR? If so, what size are they?

I just now saw this and that nobody answered. Chris had told me they always ran 1 rod for them and caught 1 at least every time out. Sounded like they were pretty healthy size from what he’d said. I rolled herring once a few years back trying to hook one. Haven’t targeted them since.
Quality vs. Quantity

Fished today just east of the power lines. I can't say the bite was wide open but we did end up with two (2) 18+" fish in the box. One hit a orange and yellow spinner bait off a front dodger, the other a spinning pink hootchie off a front dodger. Both were tipped with scented corn. We started trolling shallow but then moved down to between 35 and 40 feet because we started marking fish. Lots of fun on fairly light tackle. We talked to a couple who had been there several days - they managed 9 today. Not sure of the size but were very helpful in sharing information - thank you to the couple in the Arima!
Got a dandy fat 21.5” yesterday. Didn’t fish much, too many boats with far too many jet fleas, tubers, wakeboarders buzzing the fleet. Plus, it was hot. Found 78 degree water on top, the fish was caught at 55’
But…the fish was starting to turn…body was on the reddish side, hookjaw beginning to form.

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