A spring fling

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Flaming Gorge Forum MODERATOR
Jan 17, 2009
Harrisville, Utah
Time to break out those winterized wonders and knock the cobwebs off. Anyone interested in a gathering in 2wks at E Canyon? tooexcited I'm guessing the hard top will be off by then with the warm spring we have been getting. I'll be watching its progress during this time and keep it posted. 101ok101 Already have a couple of interested parties. thumbsup I picked up 2 hitchhikers as well. 101cheers101
I may be interested depending on that work thing. I've never fished EC before so it might be time to give it a go.

Work thing? That's foul language to me. 101shock1101 EC is a good kick in the butt when ice off comes. I caught some nice cutts last year.

thumbsup E Canyon- ICE OFF

No courtesy dock in the water yet and water levels still low but up higher than last fall with no launching in the mud. Getting ready for first trip on Wednesday. Also planning Saturday with the chance of showers. Sounds like the weather could be hit & miss. For those interested fishing should be good.

My first trip this year, cleared out some much needed cob webs Wednesday. The HYDRO-THERAPY was wonderful, just what I have been needing and no doctor has to tell me that. Lake level is low but is in better shape than last fall when launching was almost impossible with the exception of small boats. Got on the water by 0730 but the bite was slow. Noticed there was quite a bit of sticks & small logs floating around and remember we just had a good storm 2days earlier. Water clarity was slightly stained but not bad. Water temp was at 42 when first started and up to 44 at the end. Managed 2 bows to the boat with one being 3lbs., both released. Had 2 other strikes and that was it. Going back on Saturday and hoping for a better outing. There's that old saying, "A bad day of fishing is better than a good day at work." Since retiring, I'm looking fwd to those bad days. But at least there is no skunk here. Saturday is calling for possibility of showers. Hope to see some of you out on the water. 101ok101
Caught them on my homemade plugs. I was switching out with other rod long lining using grubs on the surface, rapalas, and flatfish. Even tried a dodger with a couple of kokanee bugs.
Since it is still early Spring there, maybe they want some meat. Try putting a piece of night crawler about the size of your finger nail on the hook of those Early Reisers.
Roger, speaking of plugs, did you get any new model Cisco plugs ready for Bear Lake?

I thought I was ready but I'm still working a plaguing bug with water penetration into the wood which is wreaking havoc with the paint. I have one that might do the trick which was working in the depths yesterday. Still need more testing.
Made another trip to E Canyon with a friend. What a turn around compared to just a couple of days earlier. Rainbow rapalas were the flavor of the day. Started out early using Lyman's which didn't fail but once switching over to rapalas the bite didn't fail us. Ended up with 16 bows to the boat with majority shakers. Managed to get a couple descent sizes for a meal. It can only get better from here.

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