AirMar Transducers

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Well-known member
Jun 5, 2008
Harrisville , Utah
Hi guys, I was reading some info on the AIRMAR Transducers for the Lowrance Fishfinders. Do any of you have any experiance with these? I would like your 2 cents worth LOL.movie89586
Airmar Transducer


Right now they have very few transducers for lowrance. I have been waiting for a year for them to come out with the SS270 (wide beam) for the Lowrance series but it looks like it's not going to happen. Their website isn't real user friendly nor is it accurate. For example if I query Lowrance it shows alot of transducers available but in reality only one is available for my unit. Your best bet is to e-mail their U.S distributer @ [email protected] . Oh and be prepared to dig deep they aren't cheap.
Thanks for responding, I have had the same results with there website and I have been to the GAMECO website. My understanding is that the one that I am looking at is around $ 125-130.00 each. But if it is as good as it sounds , I may be getting one. If I hear any more about them I will let you know.
I have some second hand experience as I have some friends that have bought them. The level of increased performance is a little bit dependent on your original FF's capabilities. The one plus that all mention and make me envious is the maintaining the bottom at cruising speed.
I have an Airmar transducer but not Lowrance and I can watch the jigs in the boat next to me go up and down. It will lose the bottom at speed if it's less that 12" :D Speed and temp all in one, I like it.