Arrowrock 7-1-2011 (Ken)

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Everything is really late this year. It will be interesting to see how that affects the fish, and when they start to turn.
The bite is still on. I think I am done though unless it is a weekday. The water maggots are in full force (which intrigue's me because Spring Shores appears to be no where near full when I drive by it everytime?)

The boat ramp follies yesterday were of epic proportions.
Slaying Them at Arrowrock


For the last couple Saturdays the wife and I limited out by 6 pm, on the water by 9 am. . GREAT luck using a red and white "assassin" wedding ring. Also wedding rings with brass spinners and green beads. Caught 3 over 20". Lost 8 or so, 10 squaw fish. I find trolling a bit faster 1.9 to 2.2 mph limits the squaws a little bit, but when a Koki hits, hang on.

Good going guys. I said that I wasn't going back to Arrowrock but I was wrong. I"m going this coming Thursday. Will have my new starter in, so will see what happens. Will be fishing Anderson I hope, this Tuesday. Later Guys.101chromefish101
Sorry for the late report but better late than never...fished Saturday from 7:30 until 1:30. Boated 5 nice kokes (15-18 inches) by 9:30 and lost at least 10. After 9:30 i think we only hooked 3 more unitl 1:30. not sure if they just quit biting or if we were in the wrong spot. We did best around 25' on slingblade/hoochies.
Lots of squaws

Well the day was a hot one. The fishing wasn't or catching wasn't that great. We lost more than we netted The fish haven't started changing color yet, like some in Anderson. If I was too go back the Area to start fishing either the Mouth of the south fork or above Cottonwood creek. They should start stacking up in the near future. Good luck guys and gals.101chromefish101
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