Well-known member
Hello all,
Koke Rook (Rookie) here with yet another Rookie question.
Berkley Big Game line: When I fish rivers for Steelhead and Salmon I tend to not like it because it seems to be more "stretchy" than other monos.
My Question is: Does anybody use Big Game when trolling for Kokanee? And When you started to use it did you notice the extra "stretch" helped with hook to landing ratio?
Also: What is a reasonable expectation on landing ratio ( 95%, 85%, 70%, ??)?
Just looking for every possible edge to help bump the landing ratio.
I have a nice limber rod (Lami JJ), keep and light drag, take my time and try to let them tire out before bringing to boat, try to keep them down and in the water, and try to avoid the (Victoria Secret) landing technique at the boat.
Just wondering if anybody noticed a difference when they switched to BIG GAME line....or ANY different line for that matter?
Thanks again for all the help....Enjoying a little "Smoked American Lake Kokanee" as I type this thumbsup, thanks to the help many here have provided.
Koke Rook (Rookie) here with yet another Rookie question.
Berkley Big Game line: When I fish rivers for Steelhead and Salmon I tend to not like it because it seems to be more "stretchy" than other monos.
My Question is: Does anybody use Big Game when trolling for Kokanee? And When you started to use it did you notice the extra "stretch" helped with hook to landing ratio?
Also: What is a reasonable expectation on landing ratio ( 95%, 85%, 70%, ??)?
Just looking for every possible edge to help bump the landing ratio.
I have a nice limber rod (Lami JJ), keep and light drag, take my time and try to let them tire out before bringing to boat, try to keep them down and in the water, and try to avoid the (Victoria Secret) landing technique at the boat.
Just wondering if anybody noticed a difference when they switched to BIG GAME line....or ANY different line for that matter?
Thanks again for all the help....Enjoying a little "Smoked American Lake Kokanee" as I type this thumbsup, thanks to the help many here have provided.