Billy Chinook

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any orange or pink hootchie type. Preferably with a smile blade in front. Didn't go until yesterday. Fish were not concentrated near the dam like last month. Found several large schools up the metolius arm and managed to catch limits and throw a few back before keeping the last one. Managed a few small bull trout near the head of the Metolius arm casting plugs.

Good to know. We went up three weeks ago and limited using pink hoochies by the dam. Sounds like they might have moved out. Any word on how the Crooked River arm is doing? Tried the Deschutes and could not locate the schools.
just aboout to leave for LBC. I have been by passing CR arm but people are still fishing it so I assume they must be at least marking fish.

Good for you. Be interested in how you did. Curious on the hoochie with a smile blade: I have always run mine plain with no blade. Do you see a difference with running it with a blade? I have heard the extra flash from the blade improves the lure - just have not tried it. Also, how far back from the dodger are you? I've been told to run them about 8 - 10 inches with heavier line as this will improve their movement in the water. Interested in others thoughts and experience with that.
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4" dodger, 8" setback for hootchie. This school was 1/2 mile long! Oh up the metolius arm a couple miles past Chinook island View attachment 8403 Yeah kokanee fishing remains about as good as it gets.

Nice! That is what it's all about. I am curious on where you get your orange hoochies. I am having a hard time finding some in solid orange in the 1.5 length.

Don't know that I have any solid orange. Haven't tried to buy any this year as what I have has worked.

Tried to upload some pics but tells me I don't have permission.[/QUOTE]

the only way I know how to add a picture is

04-01-2010, 11:15 AM #6 eenakoK eenakoK is offline

Here is a video I came up with on how to post pictures. I hope it helps!!
when the video comes up, you can click on the yellow highlighted button on the bottom of the picture for a larger video.
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Returned to LBC. Only kept 4 kokes because I also caught an 11 lb. bull troutView attachment 8506
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LBC Metolious arm on Saturday - got a late start but finally limited (2 people). Most were 10 - 11" with a couple 12". Color they wanted was pink. Caught some on wedding rings but mainly hoochies with the smaller Dakota dodger. Debth was 60 - 70 ft. Water temp at surface was already 62 degrees. Nice day to be out....
Got out on LBC on tues for a few hours. Several boats on the water when I got there around 9am. Stopped just out from the dock and jigged with no luck. Started trolling with a gang troll that is 1.5 oz green and gold with a green wedding ring and 120 feet out, and a second pole with a 1oz banana weight, dodger (gold/silver) and and gold quik fish. Got one on the gang troll. Left gang troll out and switched the other rod to just dodger and a green wedding ring, set up down rigger. Ran 40 feet of line out and then dropped weight down to 50 ft. picked up 3 in about an hour. Water temp was around 45 degrees. Fish were only 8-9 inches. Some boats out were fishing for Bull trout. I was off the water at 1pm. Not near as warm as had been predicted.
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Got out on LBC on tues for a few hours. Several boats on the water when I got there around 9am. Stopped just out from the dock and jigged with no luck. Started trolling with a gang troll that is 1.5 oz green and gold with a green wedding ring and 120 feet out, and a second pole with a 1oz banana weight, dodger (gold/silver) and and gold quik fish. Got one on the gang troll. Left gang troll out and switched the other rod to just dodger and a green wedding ring, set up down rigger. Ran 40 feet of line out and then dropped weight down to 50 ft. picked up 3 in about an hour. Water temp was around 45 degrees. Fish were only 8-9 inches. Some boats out were fishing for Bull trout. I was off the water at 1pm. Not near as warm as had been predicted.

Also out on Tuesday, Lots of fish marked within a mile of boat ramp, most 65 to 100 feet deep. Managed two limits trolling .9 to 1.1 Most fish caught flatlining with 3-4 oz banana weights and line out 85 to 100 feet. down riggers managed a couple set at 65 to 100 feet. Most caught with spinner, white shopper corn soaked in tuna oil behind gold dodger. Color didn't seem to matter. Hoochies didn't produce at all. Managed to hook 2 bull trout, one, a really nice 20 incher was actually caught when targeting bull trout--100 ft deep and trolling at 1.8 to 2 mph. Waiting for next halfway decent day! Oh yeah while small the kokes still tasted great after barbecuing them!

Crooked river arm is brown! Water up Metolius Arm is a little off color to a mile or so past Chinook Island. Kokes were more scattered than the past 2 weeks so caught more trolling than jigging yesterday. No luck after 5 hours of fishing for Bull Trout. But as I let my little kokanee dodger and spinner out something hit before I could even attach my line to the downrigger. Guess it is better to be lucky than good!

the big un, 26" probably 6 or 7 lbs, prevented me from catching my limit of 9" Kokes!