First a sincere thanks for all the great info I have gotten from this site, hope to put it into more use as time and family will allow.
Now to the probe--as you can see, it is made from a $20.00 temp unit from MinnKota. The spool is from a local tackle shop and holds 50' of cable. The temp probe is inside a 1/2" short threaded section of PVC with screw on end caps. The probe is in one end and the wiring (zip cord) are enclosed in epoxy and then the wire splice is inside the pipe cavity. I wrapped a short piece of pencil lead around to increase the weight so it was stable underwater and would sink at a good rate. Pretty simple!
A few details---be sure to watch the polarity on the factory wiring and the zip cord---fifty feet was all I wanted but I hooked it up to a 100' roll and it worked fine on the bench---be sure to use velco to attached the reading unit to the spool as you have to get to the back of the unit to shut it off and change batteries---use a good zip cord that has the inside wiring melted around the wires as it is extruded, this keeps air space out of the wire and insulation--response time is good but I let it set for a time at each level I measure (normally 5' or 10' intervals)
I have used it several times for the last couple of years with no problems. If I can find the time, I could improve the "roll-up" feature to be faster than my slowly twisting the spool.
Hope it works for you, let me now if you have any questions---RAHFISH
Camano Island, WA
First a sincere thanks for all the great info I have gotten from this site, hope to put it into more use as time and family will allow.
Now to the probe--as you can see, it is made from a $20.00 temp unit from MinnKota. The spool is from a local tackle shop and holds 50' of cable. The temp probe is inside a 1/2" short threaded section of PVC with screw on end caps. The probe is in one end and the wiring (zip cord) are enclosed in epoxy and then the wire splice is inside the pipe cavity. I wrapped a short piece of pencil lead around to increase the weight so it was stable underwater and would sink at a good rate. Pretty simple!
A few details---be sure to watch the polarity on the factory wiring and the zip cord---fifty feet was all I wanted but I hooked it up to a 100' roll and it worked fine on the bench---be sure to use velco to attached the reading unit to the spool as you have to get to the back of the unit to shut it off and change batteries---use a good zip cord that has the inside wiring melted around the wires as it is extruded, this keeps air space out of the wire and insulation--response time is good but I let it set for a time at each level I measure (normally 5' or 10' intervals)
I have used it several times for the last couple of years with no problems. If I can find the time, I could improve the "roll-up" feature to be faster than my slowly twisting the spool.
Hope it works for you, let me now if you have any questions---RAHFISH
Camano Island, WA