Createx Paint is the best airbrush paint i have ever used and that is hand's down. I spent alot of time painting Lexan RC Body's when i used to race RC Cars.
If your going to shoot with Pealized Colors. Vivid pearl base colors with a shimmering effect especially when viewed in direct light. Work best over Opaque White or Opaque Black.
Check out for referrences on the different paints. The thing i love about Createx is that a few quick passes on a blow dryer or heat gun can dry the paint almost instant. If youre going to use etex or devcon as a finish coat. The createx will explode with vivid colors. They are ready to use right off the bottle. If you're shooting with a .003 Needle you have to thin it out with either warm water or Acrylic thinner. I use Windex as a thinning agent. Alot cheaper than Acrylic thinner. It is recommended that you shoot with a larger needle .005. Since you are painting larger plugs, i'd definitely go with a .005 needle and head nozzle.
Createx Wicked Colors are even better than the standard Createx. Lemme know if i can answer anymore questions you may have. Good Luck.
here's a tip.
If you're shooting in the garage in colder weather. Boil some water and let the bottles soak for a few minutes before you pour paint into the airbrush hopper. it will shoot alot smoother. Heat is your friend with this paint.
Rob, Just curious what Airgun you are shooting with? I'm using IWATA Kustoms and Microns Gravity Feeds.