So you got your one great, how many more need to be harvested for everyone to get there one. Deadwood is not the size of pend oreille, CDA, or Anderson.
Which biologist did you talk to? Current record is 20lbs for a rainbow, your looking like 15lbs in that picture.
Which biologist did you talk to? Current record is 20lbs for a rainbow, your looking like 15lbs in that picture.
According to the fish biologist responsible for planting Kamloops in Deadwood, this fish is a Kamloops. This fish was also taken to fish & game who also confirmed it was a Kamloops. This might have been the new state record if it was a rainbow, but it wasn't.
There are plenty of them, in the lake, for a person to take one as a once in a lifetime fish.
Fishing is a wonderful pastime and I encourage more people to do it.