The "bite" has been "on" for better than 3 weeks now. However the fish have been extremely temperamental.
The prefered presentation, depth, etc has been changing day to day even hour to hour. Over the last 3 weeks have been catching fish from the surface down to the mid-20s, at speeds from 0.9 to 1.7 mph, on a variety of lures and colors ranging from blood red to orange to green and spinner blades from silver to bronze and any number of dodgers/attractors. The pattern has never been the same two days in a row. And it has not been uncommon to see prolong periods of no bites followed by a very good bite; though those good bites are getting more predictable.
Currently there is a huge block of water that is in the high 40s to low 50s (from the surface down pass 60 feet). As a result the fish can be anywhere they want to be and seem to be moving freely up and down the water column. In the last week the major item in their diet has switched from bosmina to daphnia. That diet shift and some nice stable weather should bring some predictability to the fishery.
However with the way the lake has warmed this "spring" I don't expect to see a strong thermocline rroming until June. As a result the fish will continue to be scattered. That will make it easier to find a biting fish but harder to get absolutely dialed in on the "mother lode".
The good news is the fish are growing fast (adding a lot weight) and developing that nice red meat. The nicer sized fish have been even tougher to pattern. Could be an interesting derby for those that fish it.