Do it Yourself DR Weights

Kokanee Fishing Forums

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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2008
Portland Or. & Lake Merwin
Up Date.....Pictures are in my Album!!

Ive been out in the shop making some new DR weights, in the Pancake style, 9 lbs. & 7lbs. They can be made in any weigh that you want. Both have turned out nice so I'll try to take some picts. of them today.

I try to keep them pretty simple to make so if any of you are thinking of making some send me a PM & I'll tell what I am using.

It helps to be......Kokonuts.........laugh hyst.....
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D.R. Weights

I havnt been able to post pictures on this forum, BUT if you send me a PM with your Email address I can E mail
them to you........................violin.................Kokonuts
what did you use for a mold?

click on your screen name
takes you to your profile
on the right side of page is create album
click and go to album
create an album
takes you to album upload page which allows you to upload pic files from your computer sub directory where you store the pics you want to upload.
what did you use for a mold?

I use a small 6" Cast Iron frying pan to make the Pancakes. they fall out at 5 1/2" in Dia.
To adjust the weigh , I use a Brass Strip to measure the depth of the lead in the pan. 5/8" gives me about 41/4 pounds.
I use a Rubber Bungee cut in half for the attachment.

Send me an E mail if you want to see the pictures...........Kokonuts.........thumbsup