IDAHO Kokanee Forum Moderator
Sounds like everyone here has their favorite and hopefully it is the downrigger brand that they presently own. I have been in boats that that have used each of the brands mentioned in this thread and they each have their pros and cons. The Cannon mag fives I presently own have been good performers for me and I have never had problems with any "cable birds nests" while using the switch to drop the ball down. On the other hand, the fast decent of the Cannons will tangle my dodger with the cable if my setback is under 15 feet. You can solve that problem by stopping the cable every 25 feet or so for 2-3 seconds, which allows the speed of the boat to pull the dodger away from the cable enough to continue your decent. In my book, this adjustment is a small price to pay for Cannons faster retrieval speed. Once again to each their own. Happy trolling.