smokin' Kokes
Well-known member
Lake Mead
Invasive quagga mussels have been found in seven lakes and reservoirs in Colorado, further widening the territory claimed by the invading mollusks.
The Colorado Division of Wildlife reported this week the discovery of quagga larvae in Jumbo Reservoir and Terryall Reservoir, two popular fishing spots on the front range of the Rocky Mountains.
Since January, state officials have also found mussels in Lake Pueblo State Park, located well south of Denver, and on the Western slopes in a string of reservoirs on the upper reaches of the Colorado River -- Granby Lake, Grand Lake, Shadow Mountain Reservoir and Willow Creek Reservoir.
Invasive mussels have found their way into northeastern Utah, if initial findings by the Bureau of Reclamation and the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources prove correct.
The Salt Lake Tribune reports today that larvae were found in three reservoirs appear to be either quagga or zebra mussels, non-native mollusks that can take over a lake, disrupt its food chain and leave big ecological dead zones.
The paper wrote:
Further testing on the larvae DNA will reveal which of the exotic and invasive trouble makers have migrated to Utah, although there is a chance the creature spotted under the microscopes in Denver could be something other than the mussels. The DNA test results won't be available until the end of this week, at the earliest.
"It is possible that it won't bear out to be these critters. We use two methodologies to confirm an infestation because this is a big deal," said Larry Dalton, aquatic nuisance species coordinator for the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. "In the interim, we are taking the appropriate steps of trying to contain them."
Kittitas County has issued an arrest warrant for a trucker from Michigan. He allegedly transported invasive zebra mussels from the Great Lakes region to the shores of Puget Sound.
The case began in November. A state truck inspector at the Cle Elum port of entry on Interstate 90 spotted the striped mussels. They were clinging to a yacht being hauled west to Blaine, Washington.
State Fish and Wildlife agents seized the 50–foot cabin cruiser in Blaine.
Kittitas County prosecutors have charged David Derderian of Michigan with transporting a harmful invasive species and making false statements to law enforcement officials. When Derderian failed to show up for his court date last week, a warrant went out for his arrest.
Zebra mussels have caused billions of dollars in damages in the Great Lakes since they arrived from Asia 20 years ago. Since then, they've spread to 20 states, but they've not been found in Pacific Northwest waters.
Motor dead in the water?

Invasive quagga mussels have been found in seven lakes and reservoirs in Colorado, further widening the territory claimed by the invading mollusks.
The Colorado Division of Wildlife reported this week the discovery of quagga larvae in Jumbo Reservoir and Terryall Reservoir, two popular fishing spots on the front range of the Rocky Mountains.
Since January, state officials have also found mussels in Lake Pueblo State Park, located well south of Denver, and on the Western slopes in a string of reservoirs on the upper reaches of the Colorado River -- Granby Lake, Grand Lake, Shadow Mountain Reservoir and Willow Creek Reservoir.
Invasive mussels have found their way into northeastern Utah, if initial findings by the Bureau of Reclamation and the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources prove correct.
The Salt Lake Tribune reports today that larvae were found in three reservoirs appear to be either quagga or zebra mussels, non-native mollusks that can take over a lake, disrupt its food chain and leave big ecological dead zones.
The paper wrote:
Further testing on the larvae DNA will reveal which of the exotic and invasive trouble makers have migrated to Utah, although there is a chance the creature spotted under the microscopes in Denver could be something other than the mussels. The DNA test results won't be available until the end of this week, at the earliest.
"It is possible that it won't bear out to be these critters. We use two methodologies to confirm an infestation because this is a big deal," said Larry Dalton, aquatic nuisance species coordinator for the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. "In the interim, we are taking the appropriate steps of trying to contain them."
Kittitas County has issued an arrest warrant for a trucker from Michigan. He allegedly transported invasive zebra mussels from the Great Lakes region to the shores of Puget Sound.
The case began in November. A state truck inspector at the Cle Elum port of entry on Interstate 90 spotted the striped mussels. They were clinging to a yacht being hauled west to Blaine, Washington.
State Fish and Wildlife agents seized the 50–foot cabin cruiser in Blaine.
Kittitas County prosecutors have charged David Derderian of Michigan with transporting a harmful invasive species and making false statements to law enforcement officials. When Derderian failed to show up for his court date last week, a warrant went out for his arrest.
Zebra mussels have caused billions of dollars in damages in the Great Lakes since they arrived from Asia 20 years ago. Since then, they've spread to 20 states, but they've not been found in Pacific Northwest waters.
Motor dead in the water?

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