Fishslayer, please don't misunderstand my distrust of government. I believe that our ancestors had more wisdom than we, as a whole, exhibit today, and I try to subscribe to their way of thinking. Part of how I do this is to study history. One U.S. history lesson I recall well is that government is inherently evil, this was spoken by our founding fathers when they were designing our government to not be stronger than its people. This included that the people should be as well or better armed than the military. And no, I'm not really all that comfortable with the idea of my neighbor owning nuclear cruise missles. But the idea that governments will corrupt themselves is very true, it was then and it still is now. It was once said that, "power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." This also is true, and when you combine the two you begin to see some of why I am a skeptic. But this skepticism does not make me loathe our government.
I love our country, and I am thankful to all of those who serve and protect her. Be they Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine, Coast Guard, National Guard or Reseves. Also, I feel the same way about police, firefighters and emergency medical personnel, FBI and CIA. I do not think that our government is always so corrupt in every corner. But I do think there are a lot of corners in which corruption does hide. And it is my skepticism that makes me keep a close watch over what I see happening and causes me to be wary of this corruption. What causes me to loathe this administration is simply their own words and actions under my skeptical watch.
Add to this mix my distrust of our media today. They have an agenda and I believe their agenda has been made clear. They have far too much power to control the minds of the American people and this power is a real danger. Now when you have a powerful media with tremendous influence in how people think, doting over their political picks, this puts me on full alert. It's not that they will always choose wrong, although they almost always do, it's the fact that they paint a picture of what they want us to see. George Bush was not as bad as they claimed him to be, in fact, I think he was pretty darn good, and B.O. is no nearly as good as they claim him to be, I believe he is the worst leader our country has ever had. I am just a skeptic and like to observe what these people are really doing and not just what the media is telling us about them. The media turned a majority of our country against George Bush, and has turned B.O. into some sort of a celebrity.
Please understand that I do not hate our government. I simply hate when our government gets too strong and has too much power. Balance is key and there is no longer a balance in our government. The Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of our government are all under contol of the same powers and like-mindedness. Bureaucracy and environmentalism are run amok and are utterly destroying us. I certainly am not in favor of anarchy in any way, shape or form. I love our country, and I love our government, I just have no love for the powers that we have entrusted to be in charge of our government or the mentallity that seems to run rampant in it.