Had a killer trip last week to start out the season!
We stayed at Lucerne and we caught fish all over... Pipeline, Antelope flats, red cliffs, Horseshoe canyon. We stayed on the water as long as the wind let us. We also didn't go out too early, we prob got on the water around 8 or 9 each day. Came in mid day and went back out for the evening.
We caught fish at quite a few different depths, anywhere from 10'-35'. 27' was the best depth for us.
We must have tried 20 different lure/dodger combos. pink, orange and white squids worked well. We also used an orange wedding ring and the rmt pink hot head spoon with success. Our dodgers were either white, silver, orange or pink. We have a mix of rmt, shasta and fwg.
As far as scent we found that a very small piece of night crawler worked better than gulp or gel scents that we used.
Speed was around 1.4-1.8.
I do have a few questions... first, what scents have been hot for everyone else?
What works well in low light situations? It seemed the bright colors worked best with full sun, but not in cloudy or late light.
Also, who is the mac expert? I'm thinking I should be running a deeper line on my rigger cable for macs while also fishing for kokes? I've only caught a few macs accidentally on my koke set ups.
Thanks ahead of time for any input.