Flaming Gorge Water Tmp

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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2013
Salt Lake
Was at FG Monday Tue and WED.
Mon top water was 58.9 and 30 ft down was 53.2 deg. 35' down was 52 deg.
Tue top water 57.4 deg down 35' was 54 deg. 40' down was 52 deg
Wed top water 58.7 deg at 9 AM down 35' was 53.6deg 40' down was 52.3 deg

Kokes like 52 and 54 deg water temp. so I will put one or two lines at that temp.

Monday all I could catch was 6" kokes, by the pipe line, when the wind came it was bad, I would bet it was not any fun for anyone camping in a tent.
So Tue went north and the first koke we got was 6" then got into the 2 .5 lbers, then it was like one after another, we had to put most back
I lost one that looked like over 4 lbs it came out of the water at least 20 times comeing to the boat my wife could not net it so I took the net and hit it and it came off.
we also got 6 lakers the biggest was 29" long also got a 6" laker down 114' you would think some big laker would have had him for dinner.

Wed. went back to the same place and could not find the kokes did catch one, then moved then we did OK most of the kokes we say on the fishfinder were at 35 and 40'
I had the exact same temps and success. Monday was awesome. Tuesday I could hardly buy a Koke.

Thanks for the report!
I did my trip on Wednesday. Fished north of the pipe catching some dinks. After about 2hrs of that I relocated more north into Anvil Draw to the south end of Middle Marsh. By then catching slowed down some with occasional 2lber. About 1130 decided to break out the natural maggots and tip the pink lures. It was fish on after that. Caught 4 consecutive kokes, 3 of which near 3lbs and 1 at close to 4lbs. No record breakers here but the hydro-therapy session was completed with the koke fix. By 1230 things started getting breezy and at 1pm I packed it in before the big "W" really kicked in. By the time I got back to Lucerne it was getting very choppy. After trailering boat I could see white caps across to Antelope that developed. My drive back to Ogden I could see a storm brewing. By the time I hit the sisters mother nature unleashed her fury until I got to Echo reststop.
I did my trip on Wednesday. Fished north of the pipe catching some dinks. After about 2hrs of that I relocated more north into Anvil Draw to the south end of Middle Marsh. By then catching slowed down some with occasional 2lber. About 1130 decided to break out the natural maggots and tip the pink lures. It was fish on after that. Caught 4 consecutive kokes, 3 of which near 3lbs and 1 at close to 4lbs. No record breakers here but the hydro-therapy session was completed with the koke fix. By 1230 things started getting breezy and at 1pm I packed it in before the big "W" really kicked in. By the time I got back to Lucerne it was getting very choppy. After trailering boat I could see white caps across to Antelope that developed. My drive back to Ogden I could see a storm brewing. By the time I hit the sisters mother nature unleashed her fury until I got to Echo reststop.

where do you buy your natural maggots?
Tue I was at Upper marsh I could see the trees at the ranch house,
Wed moved down to middle marsh then across to the west side we left at 12:30 just as the wind was coming up.