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some kokane lures i made for this year

some kokane lures i made for this year for lake stevens 001.jpg002.jpg003.jpg004.jpg
red, I don't see anything there that shouldn't catch a fish. I always thought of myself as one that likes a little extra gap between hooks but I think you've got me beat! You'll have no excuses for short strikers. LOL!
red, I don't see anything there that shouldn't catch a fish. I always thought of myself as one that likes a little extra gap between hooks but I think you've got me beat! You'll have no excuses for short strikers. LOL!

Yeah that's a lot of distance between hooks!
Some of you guys are absolute experts with great imaginations when it comes to making Kokanee lures, so I am going to put a question out and hope to get some answers. What is the best hook combination to use, treble or single, one hook or two hooks, treble in front with single in back, or single in front with treble in back, same size hooks, and best size to use, some lures such as wedding rings come mostly with only one hook? I need to re-tie a few lures, and would really like some good advise.

Sorry this is late, I prefer tandem single hooks. Here is why, Kokes fight hard, very hard while they are twisting there is a great chance they will pick up the second hook. I don't like trebles because they seem to rip it loose when fighting. (Please don't flame me, it is just my opinion) I like Pink or Red Octopus hooks mostly use #8 but I will use #6 as well, I make my lures in 2 sizes sometimes bigger is better. I like to keep my hooks very tight to one another maybe an inch or inch and 1/2 apart.


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