Silver Bullets, if you want to try experimenting a little with your hootchies, I like to occassionally add a Mack's Wing in front of the hootchie. This is a picture out of cabelas but same idea.
I think swivel's are a must for line twist, but if your attaching to a dodger, most dodgers have a barrel swivel on each end. I was curious if useing a swivel on the end of hoochie leader and attaching to a dodger with a swivel built in (thus having two swivel's) would affect the action of the hoochie in a negative way.Also, I wondered if by useing a duo-lock, they might have too much movement when attached to the swivel on the dodger, and not give the hoochie the required action. I have mainly used Apex's over the years, and use barrel swivel's on their leaders. I figured with their action, a extra swivel can't hurt.
I'm gonna be honest here, so don't get out the flame throwers!violin
I've never caught a kokanee with a straight hoochie.Now don't get me wrong, I've caught hundreds of koks over the years, mainly with apex's. Straight hoochies...nada. That is the reason for this thread. I have alot of hoochies made up with duo-lock's on the leaders with 8lb test mono, and wondered if that was the problem. Most are made up with 8-10" leaders. I'll try bending the dodger's a little more for the 1.2-1.4 mph I usually troll. and experiment with your other idea's. Thanks for all your suggestions, this year I plan to give them more water time. thumbsup
Seps 0000 1.4-1.7 !!!!! and I don't bend them, Now If your only pick the right color tongue2 I see some newer bigger seps but not ready to change.
I seem to have better luck with hoochies behind a 000 Gold Star and trolling around 1.2.
Twisted, I run 1.8 mph to get my slingblade style dodgers to work. if I want more action I will bend them in the center. I run heavy line on my hoocies it transfers the action back.
Anyone else besides me think this looks pretty good the more you've looked at it? laugh hyst