Ice fishing for Kokanee

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Hi Guys!

I made the same cow-bell type rig here in Connecticut, only with a small lake troll with 3 colorado blades.
Attached a 3 inch stainless steel Tea Ball (that has a hasp at the top and hinge at the bottom).

Using a blender I puree a can or 2 of shoepeg corn then pour it (just the liquid) into an ice cube tray and freeze it.
Put a rock and 1-2 corn cubes in the Tea Ball and send it down a hole (about 8 ft.).
The shoepeg corn cubes will melt slowly and scent the area I'm fishing.

Oh! I hang the whole rig on a 5-6 foot 1/4 inch whippy fiberglass pole with a piece of plastic at the top end to catch the wind so it jiggs up and down so the colorado blades flash.
Going to try sticking some 1 or 2 inch green light sticks in the rig and see how that works attracting Kokes.

I know from experience that the Kokes will hit my white moon-glow jigs tipped with shoepeg corn or maggots.
Also found out that the New "Tarantula Jig" I got from Bentley is a "KILLER JIG" on Kokes!!!!!! thumbsup
Fished up my limit of 8 the other day in less than an hour!!!!! tooexcited

Looking forward to the next few days to get out and hook into more Kokes!!! :D

Best regards,

Make sure you use a good tip up. Don't scrimp with such a good prize on the line. Make sure the line pulls freely from the spool. Last year I used a few cheaper tip ups along with some good ones, and every time a fish hit the cheaper tip ups, we lost it because the line froze up and we weren't able to properly set the hook. Use a heavy sinker to get your line to the bottom and then bring it up a few cranks. That's where you want your bait.And when a big northern sets off your tip up, make sure you watch the line for awhile and wait for the right time to set the hook. If the line is moving slowly or not at all, wait a few minutes for the fish to start running.


Thats a nice bunch of silver rockets there Silverkoke, Would have loved to have caught them yesterday at the pig. We caught some but they were much smaller. Had a great time.
Kokes at Porcupine

Not seeing much info on the Koke fishing at Porcupine this year, what's up? There should be plenty of those little critters in there. Sat. sounds like a good day to make a run up and try it.

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