John Day Stelhead

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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010
Since the Kokanee is over forn the year and the fish are spawning. I went up to the lower John Day and stayed at LaPage Park really love this River but actually its a lake. Pulled plugs for part of the day on Friday and nothing switch over to Bobber and Coontail on Saturday it was windy and cold landed five nice Steelhead 4 natives and one fin clippedwith I keep about 6 lbs after this trip I'm heading over to Whole Sale Sports CLOSE OUT SALE and see if I can get a deal on a electric trolling motor bow mount 24 volt system that the way to go just to much work using the kicker. I think a Minn Koto unit. **** Luck
Get the I-pilot option on which ever MK you decide on. The Terrova is nice because you can use the foot pedal and the remote control.
I looked yesterday and your right they have a new 80 out with I-pilot its the Terrova model Its so close to the Holidays I just might hold off to the first of the year they were under 1500.00 I was also told I wanted the 24 volt system.

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