Kokanee regulation changes

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Well-known member
Jan 21, 2010
Marysville, Washington
In light of the recent thread on the potential Palmer Lake bag limit change I visited WDFW's regulations page to see if there was any changes posted.

I found that in enlight of the tremdous increase in angler interest and pressure on many of the more popular kokanee lakes serious consideration to several regualtion changes.besides the reduction of the daily limit on Palmer to 2 fish.

A couple of those potential changes include the banning the use of two rods on most kokanee waters and on some waters limit the fishing to those that live in nearby counties. It is hoped that those changes will slow down the catch of kokanee and return the fishing to what folks enjoyed a decade ago.

See -

Later this spring WDFW will be looking for input on other proposed fishing regulations and after agency review those regulations changes that make the cut (including the above kokanee proposals) while to put out for public reveiw and comment this fall with the commission taking action early next year.

There seems to be wide spread support for these changes; especially from old timers, various user groups, and those that long for the "good ole days".

Have a great day!

April first -LOL

eenakok -
Good one!! - while I (and my fishing partners) would miss my smoked kokanee lunches I could live with CnR.

Seriously with this abysmal weather short of building an Ark we kokanee fantics have to find our entertainmant somewhere.

The good news is that in just a few weeks we can put this April first foolness behind us and will be in the serious business of catching kokanee and enjoying our kokanee passion for another season.

Tight lines
I think much of the koke spawning problem is water quality.

Lt Stevens has been turned into a septic tank by all the uncontrolled development. Too much of the green algaes which the koke's won't eat but grow like hell because of all the lawn NPK fertilizer and sewer septic tank drain off. The sewer plants do nothing to remove NPK.
Add the parking lot/hwy runoff and it's a toxic to young fish soup.

The spawning feeders streams are the most impacted.

I see the same BS starting on Merwin and Yale now with uncontrolled on the water housing development. Yale spawn on Canyon Crk. dropped 10 years ago and never came back. Merwin has almost no natural koke spawn, 95% hatchery plants as long as the money holds out in a bankrupt state.

I won't eat a fish out of Lt. Roosevelt because of the cyanide/mercury leach gold mine in Canada. didn't even go this winter, probably won't this late spring.

interior B.C. has some fantastic koke fishing
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In light of the recent thread on the potential Palmer Lake bag limit change I visited WDFW's regulations page to see if there was any changes posted.

I found that in enlight of the tremdous increase in angler interest and pressure on many of the more popular kokanee lakes serious consideration to several regualtion changes.besides the reduction of the daily limit on Palmer to 2 fish.

A couple of those potential changes include the banning the use of two rods on most kokanee waters and on some waters limit the fishing to those that live in nearby counties. It is hoped that those changes will slow down the catch of kokanee and return the fishing to what folks enjoyed a decade ago.

See -

Later this spring WDFW will be looking for input on other proposed fishing regulations and after agency review those regulations changes that make the cut (including the above kokanee proposals) while to put out for public reveiw and comment this fall with the commission taking action early next year.

There seems to be wide spread support for these changes; especially from old timers, various user groups, and those that long for the "good ole days".

Have a great day!

April first -LOL


Nice, you almost had me on this Curt.

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