Labor Day weekend report

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Well-known member
Aug 5, 2014
Well it was better than work but the Koke fishing was Waaaaayyyyyy off for our boat!
We hit Anvil Friday and caught two nice eating size pups but 0 kokes. I also received a lesson on fishing in a lighting storm! LOL
While reeling the second fish in I thought the boat had a short because when I touched my waist against the gunwhale I was getting lit up
Then while reeling in my graphite rod began shocking the $hit out of me! Ya that one went in the cooler and we jetted for the launch.
I've heard stories of static build up in a storm, but know I can say yup it's true!
So Saturday morning 5AM we launched at Sheep creek and hit hideout and WOW there was already boats lined up to go threw the holes you
had to wait your turn to get into formation...... We made two passes without a strike and hit kingfisher were we had previously done well 3 weeks ago
there were a few archs so we made three passes then BOOM we hooked up with what we had came for a beauty RED KOKE! we then hit sheep creek
and the red cliffs 0 kokes........
Boat traffic from about 10AM on made it almost un fishable. So Saturday night we hit the pipeline area and again mack pup after mack pup but 0 kokes.
It does seem the kokes are keying in on PINK from orange and the Mac fishing is defiantly on fire but the kokes are defiantly done for the year.
Also, seems as if the rainbow fishing is starting to pick up a bit.
If your looking for some pup action 70-75ft is MONEY and they have the feed bag on!
Good luck too All!
We had the same results this weekend. We didn't arrive until just before dark on Sat. night at Anvil. We fished Sunday in the pipeline area for a few hours and managed one little koke and one small laker. We were down around the bend from the pipeline when the winds kicked up, took us what seemed like an hour to get back up to Anvil. When we arrived there was nothing in the boat that had not gotten wet. We sat out the storm and Sunday morning went into Manila for some gas for the boat and launched out of Lucern. We followed all the boats and marked fish all over and could not find any takers. Finally talked to another boat and he told us to look at 85' for fish. Dropped the downriggers down to 85' and re-adjusted the fishfinder and we started catching lakers. We picker up 3 quick fish and the wind started blowing again and we called it a day.