Leaders and hooks?

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Jan 22, 2009
I decided to be like the fly tiers and use these winter months to start tying my double hook Koke leaders. I'm curious if any of you like or use the fluorescent painted hooks. I bought some fluorescent pink Gami's at Wal Mart and using them as my trailer hook.
I bought 50 pink flourescent Gami's a couple of years ago because they were on sale at a local sporting goods store. I retied all my apex's that year with them. I don't know if they worked any better than the original hooks or not because apex's have always worked well for me. I now use the red Gami's for most everything.
Has anyone ever tried the double hook leader? Good Day Fishing(GDF) has this product. A sample pack was passed on to me and I like the idea of a double leader going to the trailing hook. Alot of my hoochies broke off at the second hook or show signs of fraying or chafing. This could be an alternative way. I have used these on a couple of hoochies but not enough to see any results yet.


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I also use the red gami's for all my double hook set-ups. For my store bought and homemade jigs I use red gami trebles. I feel confident with the red hooks but have noticed when certain lures get trashed by alot of fish the red wears off the hooks to expose the gold metal underneth and it still performs the same.
Roger, I frequently lose the back hook at the Gorge trying to release fish. It has prompted me to fish with more single hook leaders there. the mouths are as tough as shoe leather so I have no decrease in performance with just the one hook.
I have found myself using a single hook half the time also. And thats where I loose the second hook trying to retrieve it from the fish.
In my case, the problem of the trailer hooks breaking off was cured when I switched to a rubber net.

A rubber net doesn't help with a 4 lbs tazmanian devil fish. laugh hyst I try to release as many fish as I can at the side of the boat without ever bringing them aboard.
A rubber net doesn't help with a 4 lbs tazmanian devil fish. laugh hyst I try to release as many fish as I can at the side of the boat without ever bringing them aboard.

That's probably true...the kokes I get here are much smaller. Still, I was having at least 5 trailing hooks break off a year while they went ballistic in the net. Since going to the rubber net 4 years ago I've had zero issues with the same line breaking. If I caught a 4lb koke here I'd worry more about pi--ing my pants than the line breaking!laugh hyst
Has anyone ever tried the double hook leader? Good Day Fishing(GDF) has this product. A sample pack was passed on to me and I like the idea of a double leader going to the trailing hook. Alot of my hoochies broke off at the second hook or show signs of fraying or chafing. This could be an alternative way. I have used these on a couple of hoochies but not enough to see any results yet.

I went to a salmon seminar a few years ago and a Guide that did most of the speaking only used this type of leaders; Very stiff and will effect the swing of the hooks, good or bad ? :rolleyes:
Dang... .and I thought I cornered the market on pink Gami's 3 years ago... I use them exclusively along with the other wonderful colors Gammakatsu offers.... there's red, orange, chartreuse, purple and glow.

As for two tough leaders.... I believe I helped inspire them through TopFuel Kokanee due to an unfortunate King Salmon incident at Lake Shasta during a derby but that's a another story we prefer not to talk about. tongue2 In addition for those still using regular pliers to dehook the extra double leader will have your setup lasting many more hookups. thumbsup

Ahhh, the one that got away. I don't know if that was good that we saw the fish or made it more frustrating...that fish was a freaking monster! Just ask HiTech. But it did inspire my dad (GDF - www.gooddayfishing.com ) to create the 2-tough leader. I've used them with hoochies and spinners without any problems so far. After catching some big kokes at Wallowa this year and seeing how spastic those fish can be, I'm glad we had the stronger leaders.
Super D. would you have a site I could go to in how to tie the double hook setup you show in the photo?
Roger, I frequently lose the back hook at the Gorge trying to release fish. It has prompted me to fish with more single hook leaders there. the mouths are as tough as shoe leather so I have no decrease in performance with just the one hook.

Have you ever tried the Shelton hooks? Take a look at this:


I've never tried them, but they look like they would work for easy releasing.
The pink Gami's can be used all by themselves at times for the kokes. Just run them naked and see for yourself...I know, it doesn't make much sense, but it can be effective when nothing else works!