Hello, My name is Robert and I am just getting back into Kokanee fishing after about 20 years. Wow, a lot has changed in 20 years! I just finished restoring a small aluminum boat and fitted it with Scotty 1050's and a Hummingbird Helix 5 G2 chirp. I tried to design the boat to be optimized for trolling. The restore project is almost finished and it is time for some new trolling rods and reels. The amount of choices out there is huge and the technology has come a long way in the last 20 or so years. I am not in the market for a Cadillac (G-Loomis) but more middle of the road gear. E-bay is selling a pair of Okuma combos for under $150.00. Is this deal too good to be true? Any suggestions will be very much appreciated! Here are a couple pics of my 1981 Mirrocraft build.