When you refer to "special needs kids" are you talking about students with physical, emotional, or mental challenges? Or are you talking about other types of challenges as well, such as poverty/ homelessness? If your heart is to help those in the first definition, then the school or school districts Special Education Department or Local Childerns Hospital would be my first call. If you are including those kids with financial challenges, then I would talk with your local Boys and Girls Club, YMCA after school programs director, Homeless Shelter, or Shelter for Women and Childern dealing with domestic abuse. Either way I think you will be able to find some kids/families that could really benefit from a day at the lake. As a Middle School PE teacher in a lower socio-economic school, I have taken students fishing as a reward for raising their grades. Some of these kids lived 14 miles from the lake we went to, but had never been there, let alone been on a boat. You will never forget the way one of these kids face lights up and the smiles they have when they step out on the boat and they catch that first fish. You are right in finding a lake that will produce a lot of action. These kids don't need to land a monster, they just need to catch a few fish to stay engaged. Also, I would have a dock with food and other activities available in case you get a kid that doesn't fill comfortable on the water. Let me know if I can help you out with other suggestions. Good Luck.