Losing Kokanee Too Much

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Going from octopus to dropshot hooks increased my catch ratio from about 40% to 70-8o%. Use # 2 and #4, nothing smaller. A common mistake is to go with too small a hook.
years past we were using ugly stik 7' ultra lite rods and calcuta reels and tieing dbl.snelled octopus hooks on everything and using a 4' rubber flabill net, we were loosing 25 to 30% of the fish fighting them and about 10% tring to net them this year we bought all new gear. 7.6 jj lamaglas rods tica gj151m reels, ego s2 8' slider net, and i snell the rear hook then put on a small plastic tube about 3/4 '' long and let the second hook slide .this year so far we have caught 84 kokanee ( my wife keeps a log ) and have lost 2 fish netting. the hook setup seams to hook one below the eye and one in the jaw. i dont know what part made the difference but we are very happy with the results