When my grandkids were young , we fished for bluegill . they are plentful most any little cove thats not over 25-30 feet. Theres also rainbow and brown trout , catfish , and huge carp.
I have caught some trout while trolling for kokanee that I couldnt tell if they were small Macs or brook trout . Not much color , just kind of blue grey with spots.
I've never heard of anyone catching or fishing for Macs. I've caught large Macs in Canada and brookes lots of places .
Are you bring a boat ? Down riggers ?
I haven't fished for Kokanee yet this year. There probably between 10 ft early in the motning before much boat and jet ski traffic , down to 35 ft through out the day this time of year.
I always make a pass east of the Island out a 100 ft ot so, the east shore between the San Juan arm down to the Frances arm . Along long the South shore of Frances arm It gets shallow at the first bay to the south. then across to the north shore , but I wouldnt recommend it with out a depth finder .
Its often good around the entrance of the San Juan arm . also along the eastern shore of the Pine River arm from the point up a few miles ,sometimes pretty close to shore , like 50 ft , It drops off fast.
I hope you do well , Do use white shopeg corn

Give me a report.
If you like Crawfish , the lake is loaded with them , I use Koke heads and entrails in my traps .