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working on the mill late last summer and thinking about fishing and how my glow stuff dosen't last and how you have to charge it all the time which cuts into my fishing time I decided to make a better glow product and remembering the glow sticks my grand daughter was playing with this last 4th of july and how long they lasted and how bright they were. I thought I would incorporate them into a dodger. so I set one up on the mill and milled 3 slots down the middle on a 4.5'' dodger so I could weave a 4'' glow stick down the middle I fills in the slots can be seen on both sides and dosn't interfear with the action it is far brighter and last longer than anything out there, and when dim just pull the old one out and slip another one and send it back down. they come in 6 colors and good for at least 4 hrs. before starting to dim plus they are 6 for a buck at the buck store. you should be able to slot any size dodger and if you use the plastic dodgers you could use a router or drimel to experiment with and use whatever tape for reflector you want plus try different glow colors. here is first one I made. the top is before and after the bottom one is one with a glow stick in it in the dark(thats the best I can do with my camera) but you can see the effect dfly