Navajo Kokes?

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I don't remember fishing kokanee before mid May . I'm not much help .San Juan is usually good in March . Sometimes theres a big Caddas hatch on the lower river above Blanco . They often raise the river level to 5000 c f s around mid may. Then I fish Kokanee .
Thanks Flyguy! I'm actually headed down to throw flys on the SJ below the dam down to the campground. Every year we drive by Navajo and I have often wondered how it fishes. Thanks again
June and July have always been very good for me . The water in the San Juan is usually high and hard to fish with out a boat and or guide all but the last week of June if theres good snow pack . They usualle bring ir down just before the July 4th holiday . The water is cold and I can usually catch Kokanee between 25 and 35 ft deep in June , early July .