need some help

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May 10, 2010
I took my boat out 2 weeks ago and it ran fine, but this weekend took it out and my honda 50 would only run about half speed at full throtle. I checked my oil and it was very low. I added oil and still the same. If it was the engine protection sytem thats limiting my engine speed is there a reset button our somthing that needs to be reset? Motor starts fine, sounds good,and runs fine at half speed. I have 18' hews and motor is a little under sized but I cant even get it to plane out now. Any help would be great thanks.
Any chance that it sounded like it was reving high but just not going fast? I'm thinking maybe a spun prop unless we can get some more information.
ya, It didn't sound like it was reved all the way. I did check the prop and it was not loose. Im not very motor savy, (hint low oil) so think im ganna checked out. thank you
Honda has been using the engine protection switched for years on there power equipment, i have seen many of these bad when i worked for honda dealers, Its just another electric switch, could be bad, is this carbs or F.I. ?? if its carbs and you have water in the float bowl or chember what happens is they will start fine idle fine even run up to 1/2 throttle fine, but when the engine gets on the main jet 3/4 throttle up it will suck this ball of water up and cloog the main jet, it will not pass, inturn a loss of power or sometimes it shuts the engine down until you back off the throttle. Hope this helps Skip
thanks for the replies, I was fishing in the high lakes and sombody suggested that it might have been the high elevation that was to blame. I took it to lake closer to home and everything seemed to be working fine. I still kind a find it strange because I've been there once before 2 weeks ago and it worked fine. Thanks again for the help.
I've had the same thing happen but I assume that this has to do with the temperature affecting the air pressure. My motor ran fine one weekend and the very next one it didn't do as well. I knew what it needed was to have the rich/lean adjusted but it is a pain on this little motor that I have so I just ran it with the choke on a little bit and it worked out well enough. Changes in temperature at higher elevations can definitely have an effect on the way a motor will run, especially if it is right on the edge of being set right for the conditions.
thats the nice thing about fuel injection it does this adjust (mapping ) for you. Rule og thumb, the higher the elavation the richer an engine will run. i have made exstinsions on my out boards to get to the fuel mixture adjustment, home made but worked great, you can then fine tune it with a lean idle drop, that would be keep going leaner till the engine stumbles or spits and come back out an 1/8 or so turn and you are good to go, i learned this way back in the 70s at honda motorcycle school.

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