New guy here - Hit Meridian

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May 11, 2013
Port Orchard
Hello everyone i'm new and posted in the Introduction forum the other day. I have been targeting Kokanee since i've got the itch and this has been my first outing since my previous trip/post.

Hit the water at about 6pm the rain started in and people started packing it in... the sun was going down and I had a feeling it was going to turn on. And it did!tooexcited Top 10ft-15ft of water trolling WAY to fast at 2mph(ill bring my electric tomorrow morning) They were hitting hard but i kept missing them and was only able to land a couple before pulling out at 8pm to make sure I didn't get locked in!

I found a "hole" that I kept circling and where i had a majority of my hits? Do Kokanee tend to stay around a certain area or do they move about? There were alot of jumpers around the area as well but they did not seam like they were feeding.... I'm new so it may just be my excitement but i ditched my dodger to try top water and nothing!101thumbsdown101 Went back to the dodger and it seamed to get down to the range they were biting.

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Went back out this morning and caught my limit of in about 3hrs. Lots of hits i just kept missing the setup! I had one at least 16in off the downrigger but as soon as he saw the boat went crazy and my drag was to tight and ripped the hook out. Having a little difficulty using a downrigger since this was my first time. But it seams to be working so i can't complain i'll catch him another day.

Two of the kokes are from last night and in picture above this message.
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Being unfamiliar with Kokanee Lakes.....this may be a dumb question, but is Meridian the lake listed in the WDFW regs as Meridian Lake, but listed in Google maps a Lake Meridian up in Kent??

If so it offers me yet one more close fisheries and worth checking out!

Yeah right off of 272nd Kent Kangly road! I live in Federal Way so it's either Meridian, Angle or... Green lake i believe? There are some big kokes in there! I really want to try American. With the right bait they bite before you can let your line all the way out. Making them stick is the problem. I read up on the recent thread "If you could only have one scent." In the "general discussion" forum and decided to go with shoepeg corn and anise oil marinade.... all i have to say is it works! Only problem is keeping the corn on the hook after a bite... anyone have any ideas on making the corn... stiffer? lol

There was a Kayaker out at the lake that was there for awhile with no luck. I gave him some of my corn and within 30 mins i saw him pull in two fish... quickly after he was gone... not sure if he hit his limit or had to go... but glad someone on the water was nice and I was happy to share information.
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Thanks for the info on Meridian Lake's location validation! I appreciate it!

In regards to the shoepeg corn, put it in a ziploc baggie big enough to hold all you need. Salt it, maybe a 1/4 cup to 3/4 cup if the bag is real full, close the bag, and tumble it to mix it well. Let it sit overnight in the frig. Next day, drain it and then soak it in the scent you want. Should make them hold up well, stiffer as you say, much better than right out of the can.

Hope to see you up on Meridian one day! And thanks for the tip to use corn on it.
Most definitely! I'm usually by myself in my lil 10ft aluminum V with a blue/gray 96 suburban... i throw it on the roof rack can't miss me usually everyone is staring? Thank you so much for the tip i will have to try that! Everytime i get a bite i either get a fish or most of the time... just lose my bait! I'm hoping to try again this weekend most likely saturday morning. If the corn itself doesn't work put on a worm with it... will most likely snag alot of rainbows though. I lost a good size koke and was getting bigger hits between 20-25ft (in 70-80ft deep of water)after the top water bite turned off. It will be obvious because you wont get a bite within 5-10mins
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I have a 14 ft Crestliner, Muskie-Pro L/S, that is stickered right on the aft end of the side of the and geyish white. Even if I wanted to be conspicuos, I couldn't either! Know the feeling. LOL!! I also am waiting on my down riggers to be delivered, so I long line it too. I should have the dr's soon.

I use the white Gulp maggots instead of corn now. They stay on and sometimes they even last a few fish. I soak them in yellow Pautzke Nectar and Krill powder first - just dump some in the jar, no need to thin out the contents. However, I will need add corn to the arsenal and to try some corn at Meridian now.

Now I will not take credit for the shoepeg corn info or the Gulp maggots either. These are all Bill Herzog tips, and since they worked great for me, definitely worth sharing!

When I head up there, probably after my daughter's homework load has dwindled a bit, I will PM you and let you know. Or just post to this thread. Maybe others can meet up then too.
Awesome! Just got my shuttle hawk in the mail and excited to not reel up my downrigger all the time haha Yeah shoot me a PM since its just us two chatting and we can share out secrets... muahaha jk lol

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