New Melones Kokanee and trout Fishermen

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Apr 27, 2012
Mother Lode-California
Looking for New Melones Lake fishermen to share some hot spots, stories, gear and lures for the year, including lure sizes, hot colors and who makes them and where you can get them. As you know, things seem to change every year, what worked last year may not be what the trout and especially the Kokanee may want this year. No one likes going out and spending the day fishing having just so so luck, especially with the increasing costs of fuel. It's a huge lake, no one is going to catch all the fish. How many times have you found the local fishing reports to be accurate...ran out and bought what it said was "Red-Hot" and never got a hit, most reports are designed to sell more tackle, so being somewhat a skeptic, I'm hoping we can start a separate thread just for MELONES with honest truthful reports written for fishermen by fisherman. Everyone has experienced coming in with 1 or 2 little ones while the guy in front of you has limited out or has huge fish...what's he doing that you didn't do? What's he using that you didn't? If you're interested in trying out this idea, let's give it a try! Like I said, no one is going to run out and catch all the fish, but wouldn't it be nice to go out and have a great day on the lake and catch a few quality fish? I think so.
Early reports I'm hearing are that the lake is choked full of small fish this year. Your post is pretty much solely wanting, so do you know the lake at all or first timer? There are a number of traditional spots, the spillway, out in front of glory hole point, the bridges headed up the river arm to name a few. Pink, orange and white have always done well for me at New Melones. Early season like now, RGT hoochie mamas have always done the best for me. (A Radical Glow Tube with a small spinner blade in front of it)
New Melones

Hello SuperD,

Yeah, I can see that people are rather tight-lipped about providing information to other fishermen, but like I mentioned, no one is going to run out and catch all the fish if they do post any info.
I'm familiar with the lake and hit it about 4-6 times a month, living just 25 minutes away, I'm able to fish it whenever I get the urge.
I also fish the ocean and until recently, monitored a fishing website where fishermen posted their catches and locations in real-time, very often from their boats and was very accurate and helped others. Unfortunatly, the site went down, perhaps you've heard of the Ship-to-Shore site?
Anyway, I was hoping to get a few other fishermen excited enough to get together and pass on their information, I sure don't mind posting where I caught fish, their size, the lures used, size, color, depth and troll speed. There's so many variables, from water color and temps, line weight and color, and they all have different effects, but we'll have to see who's interested!
There are no secrets on Melones. As of last Saturday, the fish were congregated around the dam area, 40-60 deep, and were slamming pink. Pink micro-hoochies behind splatter pink SlingBlades worked best for us, Garlic/Nightcrawler scented corn. 8-12" fish and TONS of'm.
The trout were hitting the same offerings.

Thanks Goose

That's good information, it appears that the bite finally turned on somewhat. On my last trip, I spent quite a bit of time trolling in front of the dam and just to the west of it and only picked up 2 and got 2 short strikes. I was using the pink micro-hootchie of course tipped with shoe-peg corn. I caught one 15-1/2 incher just west of the Glory Hole ramp on a Fire and Silver size 2 needlefish on lead-core at about 4 colors out.
Has anyone ever had any luck with the Kokanee Kandy lures. I used to murder them on Stampede using the pink ones a few years ago but haven't been back there since. My wife and I had come in with limits of nice Kokanee and met 2 Japanese fishermen back at the dock who had been at it all day and came back with 1 fish. They wanted to know how we caught our fish and I gave them a couple extras. The next day they had also came in with limits...then surprised me with a nice bottle of Jack Daniels! My pleasure guys!
My brother and I fished5/18, 19 and 20th. Easy limits of 10-12 inchers. I talked with a DFG employee who was doing a creel sensus-very interesting. He said they are studying if they are putting too many kokes in the lake or if a natural spawn is going on. He said that the 10-12 inch fish we caught are 3 yr. old fish. I said last year the average size we caught was 14-15 in.??? Look for smaller plants but hopefully larger fish in 2-3 years. FYI, pink squid 35-50 ft. just about all the usual spots, both bridges, dam, floating toilet.
My brother and I fished5/18, 19 and 20th. Easy limits of 10-12 inchers. I talked with a DFG employee who was doing a creel sensus-very interesting. He said they are studying if they are putting too many kokes in the lake or if a natural spawn is going on. He said that the 10-12 inch fish we caught are 3 yr. old fish. I said last year the average size we caught was 14-15 in.??? Look for smaller plants but hopefully larger fish in 2-3 years. FYI, pink squid 35-50 ft. just about all the usual spots, both bridges, dam, floating toilet.

Nice that you got out and good to hear that DFG was out checking on things but IMO.. too little, too late!!! As I posted before, we have been warning of over planting for over 2 years now, having learned from what happened at "Pardink" in the past. During the 2 derbies held at Melones the past few years the kokes turned in proves it. Smaller & smaller fish but more of them. My vote is to stop all koke plants at Melones (since it's not an egg collection site) for a few years see what happens.
I find it strange that NM is now hitting on Pink, orange and white. I have not fished there in several years as I have moved south with my job. But some time back NM was always a "Green" lake. Back then what ever was hitting was hitting in greens.
OK so after a quick nap Here's the full report.

Started off at the mouth of the dam and made our way around the area catching fish but nothing big, fish were still on the tray bait size. Went down to 55' with the same results trying new areas then dropped down to 60' with minimal results, once the sun came up the bite was turned off lik e a light switch. Seen Aquaman out and about said our Hi's and back to the boat ramp.

Mag Tackles Micro Hoochie spinner and Uncle Larry's Pink spinner were the hot set ups running at 34' to 55' with pink and green maggots.

Bailey wainting to launch.


The downrigger shot


Mag Tackles Purple found one.


Uncle Larry's pink spinner.


And Greg I can still get up early.

Things have changed and I'll be on Berry Monday and Tuesday
Thanks licn2chill for starting this post. I just began Koke fishing this year with a good friend and teacher nearby who has fished for years for these fun fish. The bite is still good early morning....hit the water around 6:00 AM and oftentimes have two limits by 7:30 or so. We use pink hoochies on a double hook with shoe peg corn soaked in garlic behind a Dodger trolling at 1.4 mph at 40 to 50 feet using down-riggers. Good spots just north of the spillway, bridge area and near the floating toilet, all mentioned above. Our fish have all been small 10" to 14". Even though small, great eating. Also catching a few nice rainbows with the same set-up mentioned. We will be fishing most of this week and will let everyone know how we do. By the way, great pictures Kyle!
Hey're welcome. My 9 year old grandson and I hit the lake at a minimum of once a week...things sure have changed since the bite started, especially with the super-heated water now. I have alot of fun expermenting with different rigs, I like to make "copycats" of the more expensive stuff everyone says are the hot rigs and colors and found that those darn Kokanee will take just about anything regardless of color, style, length, depth or time of day. I've launched at dark and hit the usual spots and picked up limits, launched at 7 am and did the same thing, but am still enjoying dragging lead core, it's faster, easier, and I don'thave to fool around with the riggers. Have fun...that's what it's all about...right?
licn2chill: 10-4! Thanks for the reply. My wife and I hit the lake around 6:15 am this morning. My wife handled the boat and I operated both down-riggers. Man the fishing was hot this morning. I sat down, I think, three times in 2-1/2 hours of fishing. We lost a few too due to dumb mistakes. The rest of the time I was baiting, netting and operating the down-riggers, lots of work. All of the kokanee we caught were 12-14 inches and one minnow. Its hard to imagine the fish bite being that good on a full moon and warm. Anyway, we were using a dodger, a pinkish-salmon color Apex baited with ProCure garlic soaked corn. I also coated the dodger and Apex with the Pro Cure each time.......good point you made on using lead core line. I've never used it. Can you give me an idea on the brand, line weight, how much weight you use and length of line you let out behind the boat. I'm interested. Oh, forgot to say, we trolled at 1.5 mph at 50 ft and the location was north of the floating toilet 200 ft or so from the bank. I am sure you are already familiar with all of this but thought I would mention in case there are new kokanee fisherman like me who can use bits and pieces of information.
Good morning Tracker! Sounds like you had a great morning on the lake. Looks like you definetly have it dialed in. I use the lead core line you can find in the CVS (old Long's Drug Store) stores, there's different test weights, and they don't carry all of it, there's 12# 15# & 18#. Depending on your rod and reel capacity will determine which to use. I like using my Steelhead rods that are about 7' in length and a good conventional reel. I start out about 6 to 7 colors and usually go down to 8 or 9 later in the morning as it warms up. Each color is 10 yards. I use a small 5" flasher, and had much better luck without a rubber snubber and tie on a "knock-off" Wedding Ring lure or a similar style lure. I order the blades in silver, brass and hot flourescent pink or flourescent green and brass, green and pink beads and such and make my own lures and have had great luck on every one so far. I've caught Kokanee just about everywhere near the dam and near the Tuttletown ramp and the next time there's no fish there, so keep moving around watching your fish finder till you find a school them work 'em like good cigar...slow and easy! My Grandson is headed back home Sunday, so I'll be spending less time out there, so keep me posted Tracker....might have to do some solo trips!
New Melones is fishing easy right now, for nice quality fish. Still not much size, but tasty. My friend Kenny had his daughter and grandkids visiting, Mackenzie 8 and Andrew 13, and wanted to take them catching, not just fishing. So my suggestion was Melones. Went straight to the Carson Cove area, and started with bahamma mamma flashers and uv bead spinners in 3 different colors. Was able to get 3 rods out on 2 downriggers, and then the first bite. Action was too fast, so gave up stacking, and just kept the third rod baited and ready to go back down. Color didn't matter. And the corn color / scent didn't matter. All fish on the downrigger 43 to 67' Eventually just set rigger to 47' with 40' set back. The kids reeled in all of the fish. Had 50 + fish on. Lost a lot due to kids slack line etc. About noon got the 25 fish for our limit. Mackenzie was getting tired about #22, so we talked about stopping. She wanted nothing to do with quitting! She wanted a limit! I was deckhand most of the day, and worked my tail off! Great fun. If you have kids and want to put them on fish, get up to Melones!
Anyone out there chasing Kokanee yet? The latest report from Glory Hole is that the bite has started and they're being caught at the mouth of the dam at about 20' -25' with all the usual lures, and of course shoe-peg corn. Got the boat all ready and am headed out to check things out within the next few days. Glory Hole reports are usually just a come-on, and that's one of the reasons I started this post to "keep 'em honest"! Got my Grandson, "Dalton the Koke-Killer" with me again, and can you believe he told his folks that he wasn't interested in playing baseball this season because he wouldn't be able to go fishing with Grandpa. I think I've created a monster, but must have done something right...ya think? I'll post our fishing results just as sonn as we get back.
Got a first hand report from this past weekend and it is just short of on fire right now.
Just got back from spending a great day out on the lake. My Grandson and I brought home a nice limit of Kokanee and 2 Rainbow trout, and lost 4 more at the boat. My Grandson is becoming quite a second mate, steering the boat, baiting, and netting. We spent our day in front of the dam and trolled homemade flourescent pink Wedding Rings tipped with shoe-peg corn and of course the dab of Kokanee scent. The fish showed at between 40 and 60 feet. We only saw about 8 other boats all day and it was like having the entire lake to ourselves. Headed out again tomorrow while I have my boys with us for their Easter Break.

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