New member from Wyoming

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Active member
Mar 7, 2016
Pinedale Wyoming

My name is Ryan Hughes and I live in Pinedale Wyoming. I am new to the forum and to Kokanee fishing in general. I was hoping to get some pointers as to what kind of tackle I need to be buying that works well on Fontenelle and Flaming Gorge. I was also hoping to get some general pointers on fishing Fontenelle and the Gorge. What type of areas do they usually hang out in? Do they stick to the old river channel on Fontenelle like the trout tend to do? Are there many in the northern portion of the gorge? Just thinking it would shorten the drive a bit. Really any info that you are willing to give me on fishing for kokanee out of either of these two lakes I would appreciate it greatly.

I managed to catch a bunch of 10-14 inchers out of New Fork Lake last August but those were the first ones that I have ever caught. The were starting to have reddish coloring to them which I heard makes their meat no good so they were all released. That was enough for me to want to target them more often though. I also did catch one out of Boulder Creek about a mile and a half above Boulder lake on a fly in October that was a 19" probably 3 ish pounds and all spawning colors. That was a really pretty fish. So to say the least I have caught the kokanee bug and would like to spend more time targeting them instead of only lakers like I have done in the past. I have fished Fontenelle only a handful of times and have never fished the gorge so anything would be helpful.
